Associations of rocks that form in response to similar geologic conditions
Petrotectonic Assoaciations
How much of Earth’s magma is generated in each plate boundaries
Divergent 62%
Convergent 26%
Hotspot 12%
Layer 1
Well Stratified Pelagic Sediments that accumulated on the ocean floor
Layer 2
Pillow Basalts
Sheeted Diabase Dikes
Layer 3
Massive Isotropic Gabbro
Layered Cumulate Gabbro
Layered Cumulate Peridotite
Layer 4
Depleted Mantle Peridotite (Harzburgite, Dunite)
What marks the Seismic moho?
between Cumulate Gabbro and Cumulate Peridotite
Based on seismic wave evidences
most abundant volcanic rock on Earth
Mid Oceanic Ridge Basalts
MORB that is strongly depleted with incompatible elements
and represents partial melting at 20-30% of depleted mantle source
Normal MORB (N-MORB)
MORB that is enriched with incompatible elements
With smaller degrees of Partial Melting
Enriched MORB (E-MORB)
Compare the Andesite and Rhyolite formed in Oceanic Ridges to those formed in convergent boundaries
?Hgiher TiO2
?Always subordinate to Basalt
Factors that affects magma composition in Convergent Plate Boundaries
1) Composition and Thickness of Overlying Plate
Thin Ocean - Metaluminous
Thick Continental - Peraluminous
2) Composition of Rock Material being Melted
3) Flux Melting
4) Other Diversification Processes
5) Dip Angle of Subduction Zones
Cold Old Dense Lithosphere - Shallow Subduction
Young Warm Bouyant - Steeply Inclined Subduction zones
Dominant Igneous Rocks Found in Convergent Plate Boundaries
Enriched in SiO2, K2O, Na2O, LIL, LREE (Incompatible)
Depleted in FeO, MgO, HFS and HREEs
> 3% Water (Hblde and Biotite)
Calc Alkaline association that is the signature volcanic rock suite of convergent boundaries
BADR (Basalt, Andesite, Dacite, Rhyolite)
Volcanic Rocks w/ 45-52% SiO2
Type of Basalt found in Convergent Boundaries that have higher Al2O3 content but are also enriched in Fe and low K2O
Arc tholeiites/High Aluminum Basalt
Basalts found in convergent boundaries with higher alkali content K2O and do not have Iron Enrichment
Calc Alkaline Basalt
Type of Andesites with 52-57% SiO2 and are found in Youthful Island Arc Systems
Basaltic Andesites
Types of Andesites with 57-63% SiO2 and are found in more mature continental Arcs
Silicic Andesite
What are the phenocrysts which may occur in Porhyritic Andesite
1) Plag (Euhedral and Zoned)
2) Hbld (Reactions Rims)
3) Pyroxene
4) Biotite
Angle of subduction which favor generation of volumnous andesite
> 25 deg
Quartz-phyric vlcanic rocks intermediate between andesite and rhyolite with 63-68% extending to 77% TAS Classification and are enricehed in palagicolases and Minor kfelds
Rocks composed of 66-69% SiO2 with limit at 57% SiO2 in TAS and commonly contain phenocrysts of ANDESINE to OLIGOCLASE amids a goundmass of ORTHOCLASE and AUGITE high K2O
Trachyandesite (Shoshonite and Latites)
Volcanic Rocks with >69% SiO2 associated with explosve silicic eruptions
Volcanic Rocks with 68-73% SiO2 which can occur as glasses, pyroclastc tuffs and breccias
Rocks which dominates if the overlying slab thickness rangers from 0-20 km thin
Low K Tholeiites/Arc Basalts
Rocks which Dominates if the overlying slab thickness ranges from 20-40km moderate
Mod K Calc Alkaline Andesite
Rocks which Dominates if the overlyin slab thickness is greater than 40 (40Km) Thicker
High K shoshonites
Thickness and K-content
Thicker the overlying Slab the higher the K-content
Arrange representative rocks in increasing k-content
Arc Tholeiites
Calc Alkaline Andesite
Three types of Convergent Margins with corresponding resultant tectonic landform
1) Ocean-Ocean - Youthful Island Arc
2) Ocean-Continental - Mature Continental Complexes
3) Cont-Cont Cessation of Subduction and Collision
Composition of Diorite
Plag, Hbld, <5%qtz
Composition of Qtz Diorite
Plag, Hbld, 5-20% qtz
Plutonic Equivalents of Rhodacites and dacites
Granodiorite (>20% Quartz)
Plutonic Rocks nriched in CALCIC PLAG and QTZ w/ minor Kfelds, Biotite and Hbld
Granodioritic rocks in which half to 2/3 of plag are SODIC PLAGIOCLASE
IN which part of the volcanic arc are Low K Arc Tholeiites formed?
Oceanward nearest to the trench
High Magnesium intermediate Volcanic Rocks that contain SiO2 Saturated Groundmass
Silica Saturated rocks known to be derived from the the melting of subducting Slab of the oceanic Lithosphere
Relatively thin Lithosphere in Youthful volcanic arcs will form
Basaltic Andesites
Tholeiitic basalts that are more enriched in H2O, alkali Elements and LIL and are slighlty depleted in Ti, Y and Nb
Back Arc Basin Basalts (BAB)
Difference of Mature to Youthful island arc?
More Enriched in K2O and SiO2 due to thick overlying wedge
What types of plutons occur in Ocean-Continent Subduction?
Silicic (Granodiorite, Diorite, and Tonalite)
Volcanic Rocks in Ocean-continent subduction
Andesitic, Dacites, Rhyodacites, Rhyolties and Latites
Volcanic Rock that is darkcolored, K-rich trachandesite commonly containing olivine and augite phenocryst with labradorite plag, Kffelds, olviing, augite and leucite ground mass
occrus in thick oceanic crust
Type of granitic magma formed by partial melting of basic to intermediate igneous rocks in or above the subduction zone at ocean-ocean or ocean conv margins and are Mataluminous
Type of granitic magma which are peraluminous mostly found in continent-continent collisions an is dervied from phyllosilicate minerals in sed rocks such as graywackes and mudstone of the concrust and accretioary wedge
Granites derived from mantle derived parental magmas and are associated with calc-alkaline tonalites, Qtz Diorite and Gabbroic Rocks and are developed in Island Arc settings