SCBA Flashcards
Confined space is defined as
Not designed for continuous human occupancy
Large enough so as a person can enter and work
Has limited means of entry or escape
Member runs out off air then
Should remove regulator from face piece
Notify officer
Immediately leave contaminated area
This member must be accompanied to safe area by another member wearing SCBA
Scott cylinders will have date of manufacture on the label by month and year ..the service life is how long and what should be done if a cylinder is discovered with a date greater
15 years Remove from service Bled down Tagged Return to MSU
Cylinders shall be hydrostatical tested every
5 years
Note this number will be found on the top of cylinder
When will the vibralert and the EOSTI actuate
When approximately 25 % of full cylinder remains
Note may not alarm at same time
All spare cylinders shall be checked when
Weekly on Mondays
When bleeding cylinders it should be fully depleted?
No avoid depleting cylinders
Air pressure in high pressure hose
Can be as much as 4500 PSI
What tools are necessary to tighten or replace the nylon O-ring
A 1/8 inch Allen wrench and 7/16 open end wrench
Pressure supplied to the UAC must not exceed
4500 psi
Can you use the UAC without its dust cover in place
No place oos
Rt-2 to MSU
The PRA Is mounted on the left side of the
Back fram if properly working it reduces operating pressure to
100 psi before. Entering regulators low pressure hose
If there is a malfunction of the PRA primary system the secondary system will reduce psi to
150 psi
Member will only know that vibralert has activated
Must notify officer and leave contaminated area with another SCBA member
If secondary system is activated in PRA then a member will
Have to leave area immediately and notify officer
Vibralert will sound
Primary and secondary failure in open position will activate relief valve in PRA
Rapidity discharge all air In Excess of 185 psi into atmosphere
When this occurs cylinder should be partially closed
Notify officer and immediately leave area
The manual shut off switch is mounted on top of the regulator assembly and it’s function is stop air flow into face piece prior to face piece removal. If the the shutoff fails to release then a member should
Turn purge valve 180 degrees to start air flow then notify officer leave area accompanied by another member
Purge valve for following emergency procedures
- Failure of regulator in closed position ( no air to face piece ) turn purge counter-clockwise
- Failure of regulator in open position( too much air flow) air flow can be controlled by opening the purge valve fully and partially closing cylinder
- To provide air flow if face piece becomes severely damaged
- Manual shut-off fails to releases for any reason
Snap lock
Located on right side of regulator
Lock facing down and purge up the the regulator inserts into face piece molded groove
Then rotate clockwise until the lock snaps into place
If you see two greens lights in your HUD you would know
You have a full cylinder
If you see one single green in your HUD you would know
Your cylinder is 3/4 full
You see a yellow light flashing slowly at one second you would know
Your cylinder is half full
If you see a red light at the far left flashing rapidly a ten times a second this means
Your cylinder is 1/4 full
When cylinder is turned on the HUD will
Illuminate all 5 lights for 20 seconds
Note .. Operation of all five lights must be verified every time SCBA use has begun and with every regular inspection
If you see a round light illuminated in far right of HUD this means
This is low battery indicator
Will light for 20 seconds then begin to flash slowly at once a second
When the low battery indicator is actuated the batteries have how much life
HUD to operate longer than the longest cylinder installed in the SCBA
However batteries must be changed immediately upon termination of use of SCBA or before re-entry into hazardous atmosphere
What are the 3 colors of the face pieces and there corresponding sizes
Green - small
Black - comfort seal
Red - extra large
If members need a spare red or green face piece they should call
When putting face piece on you should pull which straps first
Bottom first then top
If a member has a break in the control console tube this will only result in a small leak . This leak will not forces members to leave immediately and must monitor there remote gauge ..true or false
False must leave immediately
Where are the buddy light located on the PAK ALERT SE7
Back of the PAK alert
Two lights
Green normal
Red alarm mode
In an emergency if there is a leak in the vent holes you can plug they to stop leak
No never
The pre alarm of the PAK alert will sound if there is no movement of the SCBA for more than
20 seconds
Pre-alarm will cause the green flashing light on control console to be replaced by red light flashing approximately once per second accompiened by ascending descending alarm increasing In decibels
To reset either move SCBA or hold reset button until 3 quick chirps heard
The full alarms will sound if no movement in how many seconds
12 seconds after pre-alarm starts
Loud continuous 3- tone alarm
Only be cleared by manually pressing reset button twice
The manual alarm can only be activated when then system is pressurized
False even if SCBA is not pressurized
If the sensor module sounds a chirp every two seconds and the green light on control module goes out than you know this to be
Low battery condition
If the PAK alert has a low battery condition it will not be able to go into full alarm
False can still go into per alarm and full alarm and will last as long as the longest cylinder
Must replace before using again
How do I test the batteries of the PAK alert
With PAK alert in off condition ( cylinder valve closed with no green flashing light
Check batteries by pressing and holding reset button on console
Green light good
Red light replace batteries before using again
Can you remove the batteries in PAK alert with air in system
No never
If a cutting tool is used to help with scan entanglement it is best to keep it where
Right pocket of bunker coat
If facepiece becomes damaged while operating a member should leave facepiece on and conserve as much air ass possible by covering the damaged area with one hand .. If damage is to extensive to be controlled with one hand then member should ?
- Continue to cover as much damage as possible
- Press manual shut off after each breath
- If damaged area to large to allow regulator shut-off to release the use purge valve in o and off motion for each breath
- Notify officer leave contaminated area with another member
Permits emergency replenishment of an approved SCBA breathing air supply cylinder on a users SCBA from approved. Air supply source while in use
Not a quick charge attachment and not for routine recharging of air , buddy breathing , transferring air from another SCBA and or any other unapproved use
The UAC is for emergency use only when the SCBA user is incapacitated within the hazardous atmosphere
Once SCBA is pressurized by opening cylinder the Pak alert will remain active till?
Cylinder turned off
Residuals Air pressure purged
Reset button is pressed twice
Immediately after 0900 and 1800 roll calls
Immediately b4 start o MUD
The company officer will supervise inspection of SCBA after start of tour .. He will make a journal entry and include the following ?
Names of inspecting members
Results of inspection
When checking the facepiece there should be how many head harness retaining buttons present
If during inspection or any other time , the nose cup assembly or voicemitter is found damaged or missing
what shall be done ?
Place facepiece OOS
Forward to MSU
OOD forward letterhead report to chief of ops via chain stating full particulars
Include in report :
- Name of member discovering facepiece
- Name of member who last used or inspected facepiece
- Officer interview members involved
If a member cannot achieve a good seal with any of the facpieces available ( including the large and small ) what should be done ?
- Immediately call safety command and MSU by phone
- The company commander shall forward a report giving details and actions taken to bureau of ops
- Member is not to operate in areas requiring SCBA until problem resolved
Kevlar head nets should be stored on the inside or outside of facepiece
Prevents the head net straps from entangling with thumb buckles
Quick release escape
Must transmit mayday 1st
Fully extend both shoulder straps
Left hand grasp left shoulder strap as high as possible
Right arm through right shoulder strap unbuckle waist belt
Left hand continues hold left shoulder member turn left 180 degrees to face entanglement
Right hand sweeps entire SCBA ( should keep cutting tool in right bunker pocket)
Place both hands on shoulder straps move away from obstruction
Reduced profile
Just fully extend right shoulder strap
Right arm through and grasp waist belt do not unbuckle
Right grasp waist belt left hand rubber bumper of cylinder then twist as far left as necessary
Use right hand to guide
When using swim move you should put what part of body against opening
Right knee right shoulder and head through studs
Left arm over left shoulder in swimming motion
Contaminated SCBA or components that cannot be cleaned or disinfected due to blood other body fluids shall
- Be placed in double sealed clear plastic bag with biohazard label attached
- Tag shall be attached to bag noting details of incident including known and suspected contaminants
- Be placed on apparatus in appropriate location to pestered integrity of bag and shall be transported back to quarters
- At quarters bag placed in light traffic area
- Notify soc for pick up
When placing facepiece in hypochlorite solution immerse for no more than
5 min
When disinfecting the regulator assemble you should use 70 percent isopropyl ALCHOL in spray bottle a minimum if how many pumps of spray bottle
6 full pumps
Must thoroughly rinse( key component if SCBA integrity )
Shaking and opening purge valve are only acceptable wats to remove water
If SCBA has not had it’s annual pmp by this date it should be forwarded to MSU ?
NOV 1st