Review Flashcards
process where certain fungi/bacteria use energy from chemical nutrients to convert carbon into carbohydrates
Organisms that synthesize food through the use of chemical energy
process where ATP is generated across inner mitochondria membrane and thylakoid membrane of chloroplast
organism that uses energy from the sun to produce its food
fossilized sedimentary structure formed from ancient bacteria
when an entire body of water, or parts of it, become progressively enriched with nutrients and minerals
punctuated equilibrium
theory that once a species appears in a fossil record that its population will become stable, showing little evolutionary change for the rest of its geographical history
homologous structures
structures that are physically similar but have completely different purposes
molecule that enzyme reacts with
mitochondrial matrix
space within the inner membrane of the mitochondria
summary equaiton for cellular respiration
C6H12O6 -> CO2 + H2O + ATP
aeorbic respiration
full cellular respiration with acsess to adequate oxygen
anaeorbic respiartion
cellular respiration without oxygen that doesn’t provide nearly as much energy and results in the buildup of lactic acid
process where glucose is broken down to produce energy
krebs cycle
chain of reactions in mitochondria in which energy is produced
where does photosynthesis occur
where does cellular respiration occur
light depenant reactons
Pigment within thylakoid membranes absorb light energy that take place in the stroma
harvest light and convert it to chemical energy
muscles around blood vessels tighten to make space inside smaller which reduces blood flow and causes higher blood pressure
Widening of blood vessels as a result of the relaxation of surrounding blood vessels which increases blood flow and decreases blood pressure
Rh and antibodies
Rh positive does not makeantibodies against Rh and can receive either Rh - or + blood; Rh negative makes antibodies against Rh and can only receive Rh - blood
coronary arteries
supply blood to the heart msucle
what are the 3 domains of life
eukarya, bacteria, archaea
1st law of thermodynamics
total energy in a closed system is neither lost nor gained, only transformed
2nd law of thermodynamic
during energy transformations some energy is lost as heat
whats rf
distance pigment travles/distance solvent travels
general photosynthesis equation
CO2 + H2O in the presence of sunlight and chlorophyll = C6H12O6 + O2 +H2O
larger mole ules synthesized from smaller ones
breakdwon of larger moelcuels into smaller ones
overall steps of cellular respiration
glycolysis, pyruvate to acetyl CoA, krebs cycle
how many ATP generated when glucose is fully broken down
whats first phase of photosyntehsis
light dependant reacitons
where does calvin cycel occur
chloroplast stroma
overall steps of cellular respiration
glycolysis, pyruvate to acetyl CoA, Krebs cycle
muscle filaments
three protein filaments of myofibrils that include actin, myosin and titin
what does ADH contorl
water regulation
whta does aldosterone control
level of salt reabsorption
what does renin do
stimulate aldosterone sectetion
whats a diuretic
`any substance that increases the volume of urine
4 excretory organs
lungs, skin, anus, kidneys
immune response steps
foreign cells enter body, t-cells reproduce themselves, t cells chemically notify b cells, b cells reproduce them selves and make antibodies, antibodies destroy foreign cells, t and b cells chemically notified to return to format with some t cells staying as memory cells
lymphatic system purpose
drain tissue spaces and coavties of fluid that has leaked out of apillaries and returns it to blood stream
blood clotting summary
thromboplastin released form platelyt, breaks open to activate prothrombin which converts to thrombin, in the presence of calcium converts to fibrinogen which converts to fibrin threads that seal puncture with clot