Blood Quiz Flashcards
What is blood
connective tissue with liquid matrix
what is the liquid portion of blood called
where are formed elements of blood suspended in
What are the 3 formed elements of blood
red blood cells (erythrocytes), white blood cells leucocytes), platelets (thrombocytes)
what is plasma made up of
92% water, inorganic ions, vitamins, hormones, protein molecules
What are some examples of inorganic ions within plasma
phosphate, calcium, chlorine
What does serum albumin do
maintains osmotic pressure of blood
What does serum globulins do
acts as antibodies for use in defence against disease
what does fibrinogen do
acts in the clotting of the blood
whats the remaining fluid in the blood plasma called
blood serum
what are red blood cells
disc shaped bioconcabe cells without nuclei
Where are red blood cells produced
in red bone marrow
whats the technical term for red blood cells
what do red blood cells do
transport oxygen and carbon dioxide
what is red blood cell reproduction diriect by
oxygen levels
whawt does any condition that lowers blood oxygen levels cause
an increase in the rate of erythropoiesis
whats erythropoiesesis
red blood cell formation
whats anemia and what does it do
deficiency in hemoglobin or red blood cells that decreases oxygen delivery to the tissues
how much blood can be lost before the body is incapable of coping
what is hemorrhaging and what can it cuase
internal bleeding; anemia
what are the 5 different tyupes of white blood cells
neutrophils, lymphocytes, monocytes, basophils, and eosinophil
What’s the technical name for white blood cells
Where are most leukocytes found?
in the lymphatic system
what do leukocytes do
help defend the body against disease
What happens when severe infection is present
number of leukocytes increase
whats pus
accumlation of living and dead leukocytes
what do lymphoctyes do
give rise to cells htat produce antibodies to destroy foreign substances that act as anitgens
whats leukemia
a cancerous disease of the blood-forming organs
whats teh technical name for platelts
how are platelts produced
from large nuceated cells in the bone marrow
do platelets contain a nucleus
how do platelts work
they move thorugh the smooth blood vessels but rupture if they strike a sharp edge caused by a cut and then initiate the clotting reaciton
what happens when the platelt breaks apart
releases a protein called thromboplastin
what does thromboplastin do
activate a plasma protein called prothrombin
what happens to prothrombin
it transfroms to thrombin under the influecne of thromboplastin
what does thrombin do
acts as an enzyme by splicing 2 amino acids from the fibrinogen molecule
what is fibrinogen converted to
fibrin threads
what do fibrin threads do
Wrap around the damaged area and seal the puncture in the skin with a clot
What is the summary of the clotting
Thromboplastin is released from platelet which converts prothrombin into thrombin which then converts fibrinogen into fibrin in the presence of calcium ions
what anitgen is in blood type A
A antigen
what anitgen is in blood type B
B antigben
what antigen is in blood type AB
A and B antigens
what antigen is in blood type O
there are no antigens
what antibodies are present in the plasma of blood type A
b antibodies
what antibodies are present in the palsma of blood type B
a antibofdies
what antiboides are present in the plasma of blood type AB
there are no antibodies present
what antibodies are present in the plasma of blood type O
a and b antibodies
who can blood type A donate to
types A and AB
who can blood type B donate too
types B and AB
who can blood type AB donate to
who can blood type O donate to
A, B, AB, O
who can blood type A recieve from
A, O
who can blood type B receive from
B, O
who can blood tyep AB receive from
A, B, AB, O
who can blood type O receive from
what are antibodies
soemthign you will produce in response to something that’s foreign in the boddy
whats the universal donor
blood type O
whats the universal receiver
blood type AB
What does rhesus factor do
Make the blood type + or - (positive if Rh is present, negative if Rh is not present)
whats an antigen
Substance that causes your immune system to produce antibodies against it