Circulatory System Unit Final Flashcards
what is the circulatory system
the system in which a medium transports nutrients and oxygen to individual cells and wastes away from cells
where is the function of the circulatory system carried out at
the capillaries
what type of system is the circulatory system
closed continuous system
what is the path of blood
heart –> arteries –> arterioles –> venules –> veins –> heart
what are interstital fluids
fluid surrounding the blood vessels
what are the 3 divisions of the circulatory system
system, pulmonary, coronary
what does the systemic system do
supplies the circulatory system and deals with anything to do with the arms and legs
what does the pulmonary system do
carries blood to and from the lungs and deals with anything in regards to the lungs
what does the coronary system do
supply the heart with blood/oxygen
what is the heart and where is it located
a cone shaped double pump orggan that is around the size of a fist and is loavated behind the sternum with the apex extending downward and to the left
on average how much blood is pumped through the system every minute
what are some structural characteristics of arteries
Thick muscled walls, no valves, less numerous, usually rich in oxygen, high pressure, located deeper in the tissues, blood travels in spurts
what are some structural characteristics of veins
thin muscled walls, valves to prevent back flow, blood travels slowly and smoothly, low in oxygen and high in carbon dioxide, have low pressure, near bodies surface, rely on skeletal muscles to return blood to heart, more numerous
what sound does the heart make
a lub dub sound
what is the lub sound
closing of AV valves and blood slapping against these valves when the ventricles are full and are about to contract
what is the dub sound
closing of the semilunar valves after blood has left the ventricle through arteries and blood hitting or slapping against these valves
what are heart murmurs and what are three main types
problems with valves; incomplete closure, incomplete opening, hole in valve
what are antibodies
something you will produce in repsponse to something that’s foreign in the body
what is the universal donor
type O
waht is the universal receiver
type AB
what is the rhesus factor
determines wether your blood is positive or negative
what anitgens and antibodies are in type A blood
A antigens, b antibodies
what anitgens and antibodies are in type B blood
B antigens, a antibodies
what antigens and antibodies are in type AB blood
A and B antigens, no antibodies
what antigens antibodies are in type O blood
no antigens, a and b antibodies
who can blood type A donate to and receive from
can donate to A and AB; can receive from A and O
who can blood type B donate to and receive from
can donate to B and AB; can receive from B and O
who can blood type AB donate to and receive from
can donate to AB; can receive from A, B, AB, O
who can blood type A donate to and receive from
can donate to A, B, AB, O; can receive from O
what is artherosclerosis
depostiion of fatty compounds on the inner lining of the coronary arteries
whats angina
episode of chest pain due to a temporary difference between the supply and demand of oxygen to the heart muscle
what is congestive heart failure
condition in which the heart is unable to pump its required amount of blood
what is congenital heart disease
abnormalities in heart at birth
what is varicose veins
abnormally swollen veins
what valve closes at birth
foramen ovale
what are the 7 functions of blood
supply oxygen and nutrients to tissues, transport hormones, transport antibodies to fight infection, help to maintain body temperature, preservation of slight alkalinity in the tissues, clot wounds, removal of wastes
what is blood
connective tissues with a liquid matrix
what is the liquid portion of blood called
what are the 3 formed elements suspended in plasma
red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets
what does plasma contain
water, inorganic ions, vitamins, hormones, organic nutrients, urea, and protein molecules
what does serum albumin do
maintain omotic pressure of blood
what does serum globulins do
act as antibodies for use in defecne against disease
what does fibrinogen do
acts in teh clotting of blood
what is the remaining blood fluid called
blood serum
what are red blood cells
disc shaped biconcave cells without nuclei
where are red blood cells made
in red bone marrow
what is the function of red blood cells
to transport oxygen and carbon dioxide
what happesn when blood oxygen levels are lowered
amount of red blood cells increased
whats erythropoiesis
red blood cell formation
what is anemia
a deficency in hemoglovin or red blood cells that decreases oxygen delivery to the tissues
what is hemorrhaging and what can it causee
internal bleeding; anemia
how much blood loss before the body is incapable of coping
what is the structure of white blood cells
have a large nuclei often with lobes
what are the 5 different types of WBCs
neutrophils, lymphocytes, monocytes, basophils, eosinophils
where are most leukocytes found
in lymphatic system
what do WBCs do
help defend body against disease
what is teh funciton of neutrophils
patrol the organism for signs of infection then quickly respond when they are found, as well as boost the response of other immune cells
what do lymphocytes do
give rise to cells that produce antibodies to destroy foreign substances that act as antigens
what do monocytes do
surround and kill microorganisms, ingest foreign material, remove dead cells, and boost immune responses.
what do basophils do
Defend your body from pathogens, allergens and parasites
what’s the purpose of eosinophils
Fight substances and infections that have been flagged by immune systems
what happesn when sever infection is present
number of leucocytes increase
whats pus
accumulation of living and dead leucocytes, dead tissues and bacterial cells
wahts leukemia
cancerous disease of the blood forming organs
do platelets have a nucleous
where are platelets produced
from large nucleated cells in the bone marror
how do platelets initiate clotting reaction
move through smooth blood vessels but rupture if they strike a sharp edge caused by something like a cut
what happesn when a platelt strikes a rough surface
it breaks apart and releases a protein called thromboplastin
what does thromboplastin do
activates prothrombin in the presence of calcium
what does prothrombin do
is trransfored into thrombin under the influece o thromboplastic
what does thrombin do
acts as an enzymde by splicing two amino acids from the fibrinogen molecule
what is fibrinogen converted to
fibrin threads
what do fibrin threads do
wrap around teh damaged area and seal the puncture in the skin with a clot
what is the summary of the blood clotting reaction
Thromboplastin is released from platelet which activates prothrombin and converts it to thrombin, which breaks off two amino acids form the fibrinogen molecule in the presence of calcium, which converts the fibrinogen to fibrin threads which wrap around the damaged area to form a clot
how do blood cells move thorugh capillaries
in single file
which type of blood vessel is the most numerous throughout the body
whats teh structure of capillaries
very thing vessels made of single endothelial cells
whats a capillary bed
an enormous number of capillaries
what happens to the speed of blood in capillary beds and what does this do
it slows down to enhance nutrient, gas and waste exchange
what do precapillary sphincters do
allow or prevent passage of blood into a capillary bed so that blood can be directed to specific beds as needed
whats extra cellular fluid
fluid that surrounds the cells
what is capillary exchagne
transfer of substances between teh blood and extra cellular fluid
what are the 5 diffrerent processes involved in capillary exchange
diffusion, osmosis, active transport, ameboid movment, hydrostatic pressure
whats another name for the bicuspid valve
mitral valve
whats osmosis in relation to capillary exchange
When small molecules diffuse through endothelial cells and capillary pores
whats active transport within capillary exchagne
when capillary wall cells are actively engulfin or transporting materials against the concentration gradient
whats ameboid movment
when white blood cells squeeze out of capillary pores
what is hydrostatic pressure and what does it cause
force that moves fluids thorugh pipes; force of heart creating blood pressure within the circulatory system
where is hydrostatic pressure the greates in a capillary bed
at the arteriole end
where is hydrostatic pressure the least in a capillarie bed
at the venule end
what does hydrostatic pressure do
assists and speeds up the transfer of materials in capillary exchange
what are the 2 main factors that affect cardiac output
heart rate and stroke volume
whats cardiac output
amount of blodo pumped per minute by the ventricles
what is heart rate determined by
levels of CO2 in trhe blood
what is stroke volume determined by
size and strength of heart
what are the 2 mian factors that affect blood pressure
caridac output, resistance of arterial blood vessles
what 3 things affect resistance of arterial blood vessels
blood viscosity, diameter of blood vessels, elasticticy of blood vessels
whats vasoconstriction and what control is it under
narrowing of blood vessels; sympathetic control
what nervous system results in slowed heart rate
what nervous system results in increased heart rate
whats vasodilation and waht control is it under
whats vasodilation and waht control is it under
enlargement of blood vessels; parasympathetic control
what are some other factors that can influence blood pressure
stretch receptor stimulation, precapillary sphincter regulation, amount of blood, hormonal control
whats pulse
surge of blood at each ventricular contraciton through muscular elastic arterial walls
whats sytolic pressure measuring
when the ventricels contract
whats diastolic pressure measuign and why is it so critical
when the ventricles relax and are filling; indicates the amount of rest a heart will get
whats hypertension
arteriole blood pressure above average
what does being overweight cause
build-up of fatty deposits in the blood vessels that decrease their internal diameter
what happens during shock
heart beats fast adn faster, decreasing cardiac output, and causing relaxation of ventricles to become short resulting in the ventricles filling with less blood and creating a lower stroke volume
what is the process in which the body protects itself when a foreign cell enters the body
white blood cells chemically notify t cells which begin to reproduce themselves and create chemicals that notice the b cells which begin to reproduce themselves and produce antibodies that seek out and destroy the foreign cells. once the virus cells have been restored the cells are notified to return to dormant state. some of the t cells remain as memory cells so that they can quickly re attack if the same foreign cell ever enters the body again.
what does the lympahtic system fo
drians tissue spaces and cabites of fluid that have leaked out of the capillaries and returns them to the blood stream
what is the structure of the lmphatic system
contains a large number of thick walled ducts, lymph nodes and vessels that all push the fluid around the system by the squeezing action of skeletal and other organ muscles
what is the structure of the lymphatic system
contains a large number of thick walled ducts, lymph nodes and vessels that all push the fluid around the system by the squeezing action of skeletal and other organ muscles
what is lymph
a watery substance that is often milky in colour
what does lymph contain
some proteins that have excaped thorugh the capillarie walls
where is the greatest concentration of lymph nodes
neck, armpits and groin
What is a lymph node
A compartmentalized mass of tissue that harbours lymphocytes
where do foreign materials go when they have entered the tissue
they are swept into the nodes where they are attacked by lymphocytes