Respiratory Tract - S2P4 Flashcards
deck complete
divisions of the upper respiratory tract
nasal cavity
bones of the nasal cavity
frontal bone
ethmoid bone
sphenoid bone
palatine bone
inferior nasal concha
lacrimal bone
nasal cartilage
nasal bone
airflow through nasal cavity
anterior nares
through conchae - ethmoid bone
posterior names
turbulent air flow
features of mucosal lining of nasal cavity
respiratory mucosa
highly vascular - blood warms air
mucus secreting
ciliated epithelium
goblet cells
olfactory epithelium - smell
features of conchae
creates turbulent air flow - increases surface area and warms air
superior, middle and inferior conchae
superior and middle part of ethmoid bone
paranasal sinuses
features of paranasal sinuses
lined with respiratory mucosa
pain with cold - one hole, respiratory mucosa swells and closes hole, builds pressure
openings from sinuses into nasal cavity
sphenoid - sphenoethmoidal recess
maxillary - semilunar hiatus
frontal - frontonasal sinus
ethmoidal air cells - many small openings
***KEY QUESTION functions of the nasal cavity
- warms air - highly vascularised mucosal lining
- humidifies air - mucosa moist, saturates air as it passes through
- filters air - hairs in nares trap large particles and mucus traps smaller particles
- smell - olfactory epithelium on roof of nasal cavity
divisions of the pharynx
boundaries of the nasopharynx
anterior - posterior nares
superior - sphenoid and occiput
posterior - pharyngeal constrictor muscles, retropharyngeal space
lateral - mucosal wall
inferior - soft palate
boundaries of the oropharynx
superior - soft palate
inferior - upper margin of epiglottis
anterior - continuous with oral cavity
posterior - pharyngeal constrictor muscles
lateral - tonsils, mucosal wall
boundaries of the laryngopharynx
superior - upper margin of epiglottis
inferior - 6th cervical vertbrae
anterior - continuous with larynx
posterior - pharyngeal constrictor muscles
lateral - mucosal wall
constrictor muscles of the pharynx
longitudinal muscles of the pharynx
sensory innervation of the pharynx
trigeminal nerve
pharyngeal plexus - glossopharyngeal nerve and vagus nerve
motor innervation of the pharynx
vagus nerve
functions of the pharynx
- passageway - respiratory and digestive
- warms and humidifies air - nasopharynx lined with respiratory epithelium
- protection from infection - lymphoid tissue - tonsils
- speech - sound resonates in the pharynx
features of the larynx
anterior to c3-6
link between pharynx and trachea
contains voice box/vocal cords
comprised of cartilage and ligaments
structure of larynx
- 1 thyroid
- 1 cricoid
- 1 epiglottis
- 2 arytenoid cartilages
adjoining ligaments
- thyrohyoid ligament
- cricothyroid ligament
- quadrangular ligament
features of thyroid cartilage
superior horn
laryngeal prominence
inferior horn
features of cricoid cartilage
arch anteriorly
lamina posteriorly
only place where airway is circled
laryngeal muscles
cricothyroid muscle
lateral cricoarytenoid*
posterior cricoarytenoid*
transverse arytenoid*
*innervated by recurrent branch of vagus nerve
features of vocal cords
vocal folds within laynx
chink of glottis
cricovocal membrane
vocal cords
arytenoid cartilages
movement of epiglottis and larynx
chewing - open
swallowing - closed
hyoid bone moves up, takes larynx structures with it
innervation of larynx
vagus nerve - superior and recurrent laryngeal nerves
- right side under subclavian a.
- left side under aortic arch
- travel in groove between oesophagus and trachea
functions of larynx
- sound production
- protection of lower resp tract when swallowing
- passageway to resp system
- humidify, warm and filter air
features of the trachea
continuous inferiorly with larynx
from neck to thorax
anterior to oesophagus
c shaped cartilaginous rings
ends at T4
function of the trachea
patency - c shaped cartilaginous rings hold airway open
muscociliary escalator - rhythmic wafting of cilia moves particles towards larynx
histology in conduction of the respiratory tract
passageway for air - warm and humidify, filter
pseudostratified columnar ciliated epithelium
goblet cells - secrete mucus
hyaline cartilage for structural support
histology in process of respiratory tract
reduction in size of lumen
- decrease in height of cells
- decrease in number of cilia
- decrease in number of goblet cells
- smaller cartilage deposits
- smooth muscle
pseudostratified columnar ciliated epithelium
histology in exchange of respiratory tract
exchange of gases
simple squamous
macrophages to fight infection
no goblet cells
histology - respiratory epithelium
ciliated - wafting
goblet cells - mucus producing
histology - trachea
hyaline cartilage - large, holds trachea open
respiratory epithelium
blood vessels
histology - bronchiole
respiratory epithelium
smooth muscle
hyaline cartilage
histology - terminal bronchiole
simple cuboidal epithelium
no goblet cells
shorter cells
fewer cilia
no cartilage
smooth muscle
pulmonary artery
histology - alveoli
simple squamous epithelium