Joints of the Upper Limb - S1P7 Flashcards
features of synovial joints
potential space
synovial fluid
joint capsule
usually reinforced by intrinsic and extrinsic ligaments
articular hyaline cartilage
plane joints
usually uniaxial
permit gliding of sliding movements
e.g. acromioclavicular joint
hinge joint
permit flexion and extension only
e.g. elbow joint
saddle joint
saddle shaped head permits movement in two different planes
e.g. carpometacarpal joints
condyloid joints
permit flexion and extension, abduction and adduction and circumduction
e.g. metacarpophalangeal joint
ball and socket joint
multiaxial joint
a rounded head fits into a concavity permitting movement on several axes
e.g. hip, shoulder
pivot joint
a rounded process of bone fits into a bony ligamentous socket, permitting rotation
e.g. atlantoaxial joint
features of the proximal humerus
anatomical neck
surgical neck
greater tubercle
lesser tubercle
intertubercular sulcus
deltoid tuberoisty
features of the scapula
subscapular fossa
coracoid process
glenoid fossa
borders of the scapula
angles of the scapula
sternoclavicular joint
where the sternum meets the clavicle
joint features of the shoulder
head of humerus
glenoid cavity
glenoid labrum
joint capsule
joint cavity
shoulder - capsule and ligaments
glenohumeral - superior, medial, inferior and spiral, connect humerus to glenoid fossa
coracohumeral -
coracoacromial - from coracoid process to acromion
transverse humeral -
glenohumeral joint
ball and socket joint between glenoid fossa and humeral head
acromioclavicular joint
joint between acromion and clavicle
origin and insertion of SGHL
O - apex of glenoid fossa near root of coracoid process
I - upper portion of lesser tubercle of humerus
origin and insertion of IGHL
O - inferior edge of glenoid fossa
I - anatomical neck of humerus, just above lesser tuberosity
origin and insertion of MGHL
o - medial edge of glenoid fossa
i - lower part of lesser tubercle
origin and insertion of the SpGHL
o - infraglenoid tubercle
i - lesser tubercle with subscapularis tendon
what are the bands of the coracohumeral ligament
superior and inferior
rotator cuff muscles
teres minor
superficial posterior shoulder muscles
latissimus dorsi
deep posterior shoulder muscles
rhomboid major and minor
levator scapulae
teres major
anterior shoulder muscles
pectoralis major
seratus anterior
posterior arm muscles, innervation and function
triceps brachii
radial nerve
anterior compartment of the arm
biceps brachii - short and long heads
coracobrachialis - deep to short head biceps brachii
muscluocutaneous nerve
features of the distal humerus
coronoid fossa
radial fossa
medial epicondyl
lateral epicondyl
olecranon fossa
features of the proximal radius
features of the proximal ulna
coronoid process
radial notch
boney features of the elbow joint
capitulum + radius
trochlea + ulna
uniaxial hinge
flexion and extension
elbow ligaments
medial collateral ligaments - ulnar
lateral collateral ligaments - radial
posterior compartment of forearm
radial nerve
flexion from midprone
features of the distal radius
styloid process
convex anteriorly
ulnar notch
features of the distal ulna
styloid process
boney features of the wrist joint
proximal row of carpals
articular disc
condyloid synovial joint
flexion, extension, abduction, adduction, circumduction
ligaments of the wrist
palmar radiocarpal
palmar ulnocarpal
dorsal radiocarpal
ulnar collateral
radial collateral
proximal radioulnar joint features
annular ligament
within elbow joint capsule
pivot synovial
distal radioulnar joint features
articular disc
within wrist joint capsule
pivot synovial
flexion of wrist
anterior compartment of forearm
extension of wrist
posterior compartment forearm
adduction of wrist
medial carpi muscles of forearm
abduction of wrist
lateral carpi muscles of forearm
compartments of the forearm
superficial, intermediate, deep
4 - 1 = 3
superficial muscles of the forearm
pronator teres
flexor carpi radialis
palmaris longus
flexor carpi ulnaris
think Pass Fail Pass Fail
common flexor origin
intermediate muscle of forearm
flexor digitorum superficialis
from humerus/ulna/radius to middle phalanges - digits 2-5
deep muscles of forearm
from ulna or radius and interosseous to distal phalanges
- flexor pollicis longus
- flexor digitorum profundus
from ulna to radius
- pronator quadratus - in transverse plane
contents of the carpal tunnel
long flexor tendons
median nerve
flexor retinaculum
transverse carpal ligament
produces osseofibrous carpal tunnel which structures pass through from forearm into palm of hand
reduction in size of carpal tunnel will affect which structure
median nerve
sensory deficits of carpal tunnel syndrome
skin of hand supplied by median nerve - lateral 3.5 digits
motor deficits of carpal tunnel syndrome
muscles supplied by median nerve via recurrent median nerve - 3 muscles of thenar eminence that act on thumb
superficial muscles of posterior forearm
brachioradialis - extends elbow
extensor carpi radialis longus
extensor carpi radialis brevis
extensor digitorum
extensor digiti minimi
extensor carpi ulnaris
common extensor origin
extend hand at wrist
extend medial 4 digits
deep muscles of posterior forearm
abductor pollicis longus
extensor pollicis longus
extensor pollicis brevis
extensor indicis - supinator
extend hand at wrist
extend/abduct thumb
extend index finger