Anatomy of the hand Flashcards
deck complete
bones of the hand
8 carpals
5 metacarpals
14 phalanges - proximal, middle and distal
bones making up wrist
distal end of ulna and radius
meet 8 carpal bones
joints of the hand
radiocarpal - radius to carpal
midcarpal - carpal to carpal
carpometacarpal - carpal to metacarpal
metacarpophalangeal - metacarpal to phalanx
interphalangeal - plalanx to phalanx
- 1 in thumb
- 2 in fingers: proximal and distal
proximal carpal bones
distal carpal bones
muscles of the hand
extrinsic and intrinsic
function of extrinsic muscles of hand
origins within forearm
responsible for power grips
function of intrinsic muscles of hand
origins within hand
responsible for precision grips
extrinsic muscles of the hand
flexor digitorum superficialis - 4 tendons
flexor digitorum profundus - 4 tendons
flexor pollicis longus - 1 tendon
intrinsic muscles of the hand
muscles of the thumb
muscles of the 5th digit
4 x lumbricals
7 x interossei
superficial layer of the hand
palmar aponeurosis
palmar brevis
thenar eminence
muscles and innervation of thenar eminence
abductor pollicis brevis
flexor pollicis brevis
opponens pollicis
reccurrent branch of median nerve
adductor pollicis
located deep to thenar eminence
transverse and oblique heads
innervated by ulnar nerve
muscles and innervation of hypothenar eminence
abductor digiti minimi
flexor digiti minimi brevis
opponens digiti minimi
ulnar nerve
meaning of digiti minimi
of the 5th digit
meaning of interossei
in between bone