Blood Supply to the Body Regions - S2P6 Flashcards
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function of arteries
transport blood away from heart
systemic arterial system
oxygen rich blood
pulmonary arterial system
oxygen poor blood
sections of aorta
descending thoracic
branches of ascending aorta
right and left coronary arteries
arise from right and left coronary sinuses respectively
branches of aortic arch
brachiocephalic trunk giving rise to right common carotid a. and right subclavian a.
left common carotid a.
left subclavian a.
right and left subclavian arteries - arterial supply to upper limbs
right and left common carotid arteries - arterial supply to head and neck
features of descending aorta
lies posterior to root of left lung, pericardium and oesophagus
branches of descending thoracic aorta
oesophageal aa.
bronchial aa.
9 pairs of posterior intercostal aa.
subcostal aa.
superior phrenic aa.
pericardial aa.
what are the posterior intercostal aa. part of
intercostal neurovascular bundles
where do the subcostal arteries lie and what do they supply
just below 12th rib, supply superior aspect of diaphragm
what do the pericardial arteries supply
pericardial sac
features of internal thoracic arteries
come from subclavian arteries
descend on internal surface of thorax lateral to sternum
give rise to anterior intercostal aa.
terminate at 6th intercostal space
bifurcates into superior epigastric a. and musculophrenic a.
where do the internal thoracic veins drain to
brachiocephalic veins
at what level does the aorta pass through the diaphragm
branches of the abdominal aorta
inferior phrenic a.
coeliac trunk
superior mesenteric a.
inferior mesenteric a.
gonadal aa. - either testicular or ovarian
renal a.
lumbar aa.
common iliac aa.
what does the coeliac trunk supply
- abdominal oesophagus
- stomach
- 1st part of duodenum
- spleen
- pancreas
- liver
- gallbladder
what does the superior mesenteric a. supply
- distal duodenum
- jejunum
- ileum
- caecum
- ascending colon
- 1/2 transverse colon
what does the inferior mesenteric a. supply
- 1/2 transverse colon
- descending colon
- sigmoid colon
- superior portion of rectum
where do the renal arteries arise from
lateral surfaces of abdominal aorta
what to the suprarenal/adrenal arteries supply
suprarenal/adrenal gland
pelvic arterial supply
abdominal aorta - common iliac - external iliac - femoral
AA - CI - internal iliac - posterior and anterior divisions of internal iliac
features of the venous system
transports blood towards heart
thin walled vessels
large diameter compared to arteries
contain valves to prevent backflow
venae commitantes
systemic and portal venous system within abdomen
major aspects of venous system
superior vena cava
inferior vena cava
coronary sinus
features of brachiocephalic veins
union of jugular and subclavian veins
drain head, neck and upper limbs
R&L brachiocephalic veins unit to form superior vena cave
features of the azygos system
drains blood from body wall into superior vena cava
azygos vein - right
hemiazygos vein - left
accessory hemiazygos vein - left
features of the azygos vein
arises from L1/L2
formed by R ascending lumbar and subcostal veins
joins SVC at T4
features of hemiazygos vein
arise from L ascending lumbar and subcostal veins
joins azygos v. at T9
features of accessory hemiazygos vein
arises from L posterior intercostal vv.
joins azygos v. at T8
where must everything from left hand side drain
into right hand side then superior vena cava
where do the left intercostal veins drain
into left brachiocephalic v.
venous drainage of the abdomen
common iliac vv. - external and internal
gonadal vv.
inferior vena cava
renal vv.
lumbar vv.
inferior phrenic vv.
portal venous system
carries oxygen poor/nutrient rich blood to liver from digestive tract - gallbladder, pancreas, spleen
hepatic portal vein
divides into R&L portal veins as it approaches liver
portal systemic anastomoses
provide collateral circulation in case of obstruction to liver/portal vein
1. gastroesophageal junction
2. anal canal and rectum
3. umbilicus
4. secondary retroperitoneal viscera
features of the lymphatic system
one way system
returns excess fluid from capillaries to circulatory system
what is lymph
lymph = pure spring water
clear, yellowish fluid
similar to blood plasma - water, proteins, glucose, lipids, lymphocytes
route of interstitial fluid
lymphatic capillaries
lymphatic vessels
lymph nodes
lymph trunks
lymph ducts
empty into venous drainage
lymph nodes
pericranial - base of head
cervical - along course of internal jugular v.
tracheal - related to trachea and bronchi
axillary - in axilla
deep - related to aorta and coeliac trunk, superior and inferior mesenteric a.
inguinal - along course of inguinal ligament
femoral - along course of femoral vein
lymphatic ducts
right lymphatic duct
thoracic duct