Respiratory Physiology Flashcards
Functions of the Respiratory System
- Provide oxygen to body tissue
- Remove carbon dioxide
- Help maintain pH balance
- Sensing odors
- Voice production
- Defense against pathogens
Main Function of Respiratory System
Pulmonary ventilation: inspiration and expiration
Gas exchange between air and blood
Transportation of gases to tissues
Gas exchange between the blood and tissues
Systemic Respiration
Exchange of O2 and CO2 between atmosphere and body tissues
Aerobic Respiration
Takes place in mitochondria and requires oxygen and glucose, producing carbon dioxide, water and ATP.
C6H12O6 + 6O2 → 6CO2 + 6H2O
External Respiration
PalvO2 = 104 mmHg, PcapO2 = 40 mmHg PalvCO2 = 40 mmHg, PcapCO2 = 45mmHg (small gradient, high solubility)
Internal Respiration
PtissueO2 = 40 mmHg, PcapO2 = 100 mmHg
PtissueCO2 > PcapCO2
Medullary Respiratory Centers
Clustered neurons in two areas of the medulla oblongata appear to be critically important in respiration:
- Dorsal respiratory group (DRG)
- Ventral respiratory group (VRG)
Dorsal Respiratory Group
Integrates input from peripheral stretch and chemoreceptors and communicates this info to VRG.
Ventral Respiratory Group
Rhythm generating.
When inspiratory neurons fire:
- Impulses travel along phrenic and intercostal nerves to excite diaphragm and external intercostal muscles.
- Thorax expands and air rushes in lungs.
When expiratory neurons fire:
- Output stops
- Passive expiration, inspiratory muscles relax, lungs recoil.
Pontine Respiratory Center
Transmit impulses to VRG of medulla.
Modifies and fine tunes breathing rhythms generated by VRG during certain activities such as vocalization, sleep and exercise.
Neural Influences - hypothalamic vs cortical control
Hypothalamic Controls: Emotions and pain send signals to respiratory centers, modifying respiratory rate and depth.
Cortical Controls: Breathing normally regulated involuntarily in brain stem, can also exert conscious control over rate and depth.
Respiratory Pressure - Expiration
- Expiration: Alveoli volume decreases, Palv increases.
Patm < Palv → Air moves out of lungs until pressures are equal again. - End of expiration: Patm = Palv → No air movement
Pressure Gradient that Drives Ventilation
Palv - Patm
Intrapulmonary pressure - Atmospheric pressure
Respiratory Pressure - Inspiration
- Inspiration: Alveoli volume increases, Palv decreases. Patm > Palv → Air moves in to lungs.
- End of inspiration: because of the airflow into lungs Patm = Palv → No air movement.
Diaphragm and external intercostal muscles contract, expansion of thoracic cavity stretches lungs: volume increases, pressure decreases.
Atmospheric Pressure
760 mmHg at sea level - constant.
Intrapleural Pressure (Pip)
Pressure in pleural cavity.
Decreases with inhalation
Increases with exhalation
Pip < Palv (always negative compared to Palv)
Negative Pip created by: tendency of thorax to expand outwards, tendency of lungs to recoil (elasticity). Intrapleural fluid keeps it from pulling apart.
Transpulmonary Pressure
Difference between alveoli pressure and pleura pressure.
Palv - Pip
Increasing transpulmonary pressure → expansion of alveoli
Alveolar Volume
Alveoli on top always inflated, on bottom no because: gravity and weight of lung increase pleural pressure (less negative) at the base of the lung and thus reducing alveolar volume.
Dependent Region on Lungs
Lowest part of lung in relation to gravity (bottom lung in side-lying position). Alveoli will inflate in this region.
Boyle’s Law
Pressure inversely related to its volume (under constant temperature in closed system.
Pressure ↑ → Volume ↓
Pressure ↓ → Volume ↑
Gas moves from high pressure region to low pressure region.
Process in which the respiratory pump creates ventilation.
- Exchange of gas between the environment and tissue cells, by external respiration at alveola-capillary level and internal respiration at capillary- tissue level.
- Regulation of the acid-base, metabolic and defense functions of the respiratory system.
Gas movement between the outside and the alveoli.
Ventilation (L/min) = volume (L) x frequency (breaths per minute) → 0,5 L(tidal volume) x 10 (normal frequency) = 5L.
Conducting Zone
No alveoli. No gas exchange. 150ml out of the 500 will stay in this area. Only 350ml will reach the alveoli.
Dead space ventilation.
Alveolar Ventilation (VA)
RR x (VT - DSV) : Respiratory rate x (tidal volume - dead space ventilation).
During exercise: VA must increase → increased VT
Determines O2 and CO2 levels
VA ↓ → PaCO2 ↑: acid-base balance disturbance, hypoxemia/hypercapnia.
Dead Space Ventilation
Wasted ventilation in conducting zone.
Anatomic dead space: conducting part of respiratory tract. 150 ml of VT.
Physiological dead space: anatomic + alveolar dead space (alveoli not taking part in gas exchange).
Collateral Ventilation
Network connection between alveoli. If alveoli is not ventilating, the collateral channel will open.
- Interalveolar pores of Kohn
- Interbronchial channels
- Bronchiole-alveolar channels
incresing of the exhaled volume (VE) that eliminates carbon dioxide leading to hypocapnea.
Related to ventilation not respiratory frequency.
Reduce alveolar ventilation due to reduced tidal
volume (VT) followed by hypercapnea. Short breaths.
Related to ventilation, not to respiratory frequency.
increased RR > 20 breaths/min.
Cannot breath slowly.
decreased RR < 10 breaths/min.
Cessation of breathing (more than 30 sec)
Laminar Flow
Facilitated by slow smooth breath.
In order to overcome peripheral resistance to reach alveoli with least amount of energy.
Fast breath encourages unhelpful turbulence.
What are the physical factors influencing pulmonary ventilation?
- Airway resistance
- Lung compliance
- Alveolar surface tension (pulmonary surfactant)
Airway Resistance - Poiseuille’s law
Resistance (R) through an airway depends on: • Viscosity (ƞ) of gas • Length of tube (l) • Radius of tube (r) ↑ diameter → ↑ resistance ↑ length of tube → ↑ resistance ↑ viscosity of gas → ↑ resistance
Consequences of Increased Airway Resistance
↓ airway caliber
↓ airflow
↑ work of breathing
Work of Breathing (WOB)
Work done during inspiration to overcome resistive and elastic forces of airways, lungs and chest wall.
Elastic resistance: 80% of WOB (deep breathing)
Airflow resistance: 20% of WOB (rapid breathing)
Willingness of elastic structure to distend (change its state).
Lung is least compliant at either extreme of lung volume.
- Difficult to inflate closed alveoli
- Difficult to hyperinflate those that are fully inflated.
Pulmonary Surfactant
surface-active lipoprotein complex formed by Type II pneumocytes.
Reduces the surface tension inside alveoli.
Cannot ventilate without it! Alveoli will collapse.
Lung Volumes - VT, ERV, IRV, RV
- Tidal Volume (VT): movement of air during quite breathing, 0.5 L.
- Expiratory reserve volume (ERV): Extra air pushed out of lungs beyond VT after full exhalation. 1.7 L.
- Inspiratory reserve volume (IRV): extra air drawn in beyond VT after full inhalation. 3 L.
- Residual volume (RV): air remaining in lungs after full exhalation. 1.3 L.
Total Lung Capacity
Sum of lung volumes. Total air in lungs after full inhilation.
Fick’s Law of Diffusion
Diffusion (gas exchange): • Concentration / pressure gradient • Gas solubility • Transit time red blood cells (RBC) • Surface area of alveolar membrane • Thickness of alveolar membrane • Ventilation/perfusion coupling
Thickness of Alveocapillary Membrane
0.5 - 1 u(mju)m - very efficient
Thicker membrane → impaired diffusion → ↓O2
Essential Components for Gas Exchange
• V̇ : air which reaches lungs (alveolar ventilation)
• Q̇ : blood which reaches lungs (alveolar perfusion)
V̇ / Q̇ : matching between (alveolar) ventilation and perfusion
Zones of Gas Exchange
- Alveoli (full volume) squeezes capillary. Pressure of alveoli is bigger than pressure of artery and vein.
PA > Pa > Pv - No gas exchange. Top part of lung. - Depends on cardiac cycle. Psystolic > PA > Pdiastolic.
Gas exchange possible during systole. 50% efficient. Middle part of lung - Artery and vein pressure more than alveoli.
Pa > Pv > PA. Gas exchange. 100% efficient. Bottom part, dependent zone.
Shunt vs. Dead Space
No gas exchange in either.
Dead space: Alveoli ventilating without perfusion (gas exchange).
Shunt: Fraction of blood not getting oxygen (no gas exchange).
Pathological Mismatch - Ventilation/Perfusion
V/Q should be equal to 1.
Pathological mismatch is due to a high or low ratio
• High ratio : alveoli ventilated but perfusion impaired - V/Q = 5/0 = infinite.
• Low ratio : lung perfused but not adequately ventilated - V/Q = 0/5 = 0.
V/Q Regulation
V: regulated by diameter airways
Q: regulated by diameter blood vessels