researchers Flashcards
Gilbert + Merca
a strong correlation between social class & achievement in all ethnic groups
(in all ethnic groups mc did better than wc)
the highest hourly rates of pay for male full-time employees were for Chinese , then Indian and White ethnic groups
1st gen immigrants find language barrier impact their educational achievement
- strong accent + use of dialect terms + non st.English
- cultural factors combine w school factors
people who are labelled negatively form their own subculture
- people who feel they are pushed to the side at school still want a sense of belonging - formulate that with other people who have been pushed to the side
Symbolic violence
- schools ‘attack’ w/c students by devaluing WHO they are
- so w/c students create ‘NIKE’ identities , through which they gain symbolic capital by consuming branded goods
Rosenthal and Jacobson (1968)
labelling and teacher expectations
- supports the self-fulfilling prophecy
- study of an elementary in cali
-selected a random 20% of the student pop and informed teachers that these students could be expected to achieve rapid intellectual development
-found that the randomly selected ‘sputter’ group had on average GAINED MORE IQ than the rest one year on and their report cards showed their teachers believed this group had made greater advances in reading
Mirza (teacher typology)
- overt racists
- christians
- the crusaders
- black teachers
- liberal chauvinists
- explains the impact of teacher pupil interactions , particularly on non-white ethnic groups in the ed system
Coast (2006)
some couples see cohabitation as a step on the path of marriage , 75% cohabiting couples expect to marry each other
Befin (1985)
some couples see it as a permanent alternative to marriage
Shelton + John (1993)
women who cohabit do less work than their married counterparts
Stonewall (2008)
around 5-7% of adults in Britain today have same sex relashionships
Gillborn and Youdell - educational triage
marketisation of schools where they are judged based on A-C grades creates a ‘rationing of education’ and reinforces the failure of black students
content of education ignores black people , the people who are acclaimed tend to be white , while black culture & music and are are largely ignored
schools might be institutionally racist in spite of non-racist staff , policies within the schools discriminate against certain ethnicities
if racism leads to the victim being turned off school , why doe asian people have such high entry to higher education?
black girls in year 11 managed to channel their anger at being negatively labelled into educational success , they were able to overcome barriers put in their path to achieve high grades
Allan and crow (2001)
state that love , satisfaction and commitment are now the fundamental components of a successful marriage
fletcher (1996)
argues we place too high expectations on our marriages , which is why so many of them fail
Mitchel and goody (1997)
since the 1960’s , there has been a declining stigma attached to divorce
Cecile Wright
found that teachers perceives ethnic minority children to white children
- asian: seen as a problem that could be ignored , received least attention , often excluded from class discussions
-African Caribbean , expected to behave badly , receive considerable attention - nearly always negative , seen as aggressive+disruptive
David Gilbert
african Caribbean children seen as a threat , found that while the vast majority of teachers tried to treat all students fairly , tended to see A.C as a threat even when no threat was intended
teachers had more positive expectations of asian girls seeing them as quiet , well behaved and highly motivated , in contrast black Caribbean boys seen as having low academic potential , often labelled as disruptive trouble makers
teachers often have high expectations of Chinese and Indian pupils = self fulfilling prophecy
Pryce (family structure)
asian pupils achieve higher because their culture is more resistant to racism
low achievement of African Caribbean boys is partly due to cultural factors
Gillborn and Mirza (ethnicity , external)
There was a strong correlation between social class and achievement in all ethnic groups
Smith and Noble (class , external)
schools may be free , but supplementary costs can be considerable eg being unable to afford school uniforms
Norman (gender , external)
- gender stereotypes held by parents result in girls being encouraged to engage in quiet activities that lead to bedroom culture
Jackson ‘lads and ladettes’ research
argues that the peers pressure each other to conform to an anti-school subculture , norm to do well w/o trying , transmitted by peer pressure
Howard Becker
- labelling
- teachers idea of the ‘ideal pupil’ match the labels they give to m/c students
Driver and Ballard
Asian children who spoke a diff language at home were as good at English as they classmates by the age of 16
The highest hourly rates of pay for male full time employees in the UK were for Chinese , then Indian and white ethnic groups (similar to patterns of ed.achievement)
Gilborn and Mirza
Strong correlation between social class and achievement in all ethnic groups , in all ethnic groups children from mc did better than wc , African car pupils did worse than their peers in other ethnic groups even when class was taken into account
Pierre Bordeau
Material deprivation and cultural deprivation not separate , recognises they are interlinked
- embodied (knowledge that resides within us and see as our own) -objectified (material objects we use to indicate social class eg cars , demonstrates how much money we have)
- institutional (the way society measures cultural capital , level of education , doctorate more capital than masters , exchanged for actual economic capital)
Edward Jay Wethmore
- discusses pop culture’s positive significance
- idea that it is a ‘common denominator that cuts across most social , economic and educational barriers’
Oxford bibliographies
’ pop culture is produced through capitalistic processes driven by profit motive and sold to costumers’
:) = economic growth
:( = alludes idea of the elite taking advantage of the masses
John Storey
describes (pop culture) as a tool used by the elite to suppress or take advantage of the masses
Ulrich Beck
says globalisation has led to a ‘global risk consciousness’ where threats to our safety are also global , eg terrorism
Antony Giddens
says global culture has led to people having a ‘global outlook’ , where they identify with a global audience as opposed to their own nationality
theorists such as Ritter , Flew , Klein & Solar have suggested…
globalisation has led to the emergence of global culture , where national and local cultures are undermined , and cultural products , norms and values and way of life in different countries are becoming increasingly similar
- w/c subcultures , factors that contribute to underachievement
- immediate gratification
-fatalism - low value on education
parent’s education
- mc more likely to have achieved better in education and have higher qualifications
- parenting style (more likely to emphasise discipline+high expectations)
- parents educational behaviour (more likely to read to their children , help w homework and attend school events)
- more income
-use of income (to benefit childrens ed)
Basil Bernstein
elaborate and restricted code
- speech codes are what leads to differences in educational achievement between mc and wc students
- restricted = used by wc , gramatical errors , simple short sentences and description based
- elaborated = used my mc , wider vocab , more complex , longer sentences , analytical
smith and noble
- wc less likely to have access to a computer w internet , desk , books and well heated home
- socially disadvantaged students are concentrated in a limited num pf unpopular schools
- older wc students more likely to work part time to support their studies or care for younger siblings (affects attendance)
Waldfogel and Washbrook
children from lower income families are more likely to LIVE in a CROWDED or DAMP ACCOMODATION , more likely to have a dark, clean , unsafe room
people from power households have a LOWER INTAKE of VITAMINS + MINERALS , poor health = tiredness at school , lower attendance