gender and education Flashcards
what did Sue Sharpe do
interviewed and surveyed working class girls in London in the 1970s and 90s
early gender socialisation means girls attached little importance
to education, priorities were love, marriage and children
sue Sharpe is a
‘gender quake’. Girls’ priorities shifted to
careers, girls were more ambitious, confident and committed to gender
Sue Sharpe concluded changes between 1970’s and 1990’s can be seen in the context of…
legislative changes (Equal Pay Act, Sex Discrimination Act) and the successes of the
feminist movement
sue Sharpe evaluation
Sharpe recognises there is still a long way to go and women are still
oppressed in society
- there is still a gender pay gap etc
- Therefore, whilst it is a convincing explanation it does not, on its own, explain
why girls outperform boys so clearly and consistently.
Willmott & Young - Change in family life and structure
- the modern family is symmetrical ( divides
responsibilities equally between partners)
*The number of lone parent families has increased – which tend to be
headed by women, providing role models for girls.
*An increase in women taking on the breadwinner role – has led to a
crisis of masculinity
Legislation such as the Equal Pay Act and Sex Discrimination Act has
created more equality and increased the proportion of women in
the growth in employment opportunities and the rise in young women’s occupational ambitions have increased their incentives to gain
educational qualifications
changes in employment - boys - Mac and Ghaill
w/c boys are experiencing a ‘crisis of masculinity’ – they
are socialised into seeing their future male identity in terms of having a
job/being the breadwinner, but the landscape has changed
why crisis of masculinity
- decline of the manufacturing industry & rise in long-term
unemployment make it increasingly unlikely that males will be the main
earners - New jobs in the service sector are often part time, desk based and suited to
the skills and lifestyles of women. - traditional male roles are under threat and boys may lack motivation if they feel their prospects are limited.
Leading to lowered
expectations, low self-esteem, constructing a self image through laddish
behaviour and anti-school activity.
evaluation of crisis of masculinity ( Mac and Ghaill)
- decline of manufacturing only affects working class boys, possibly explaining their achievement relative to girls, but middle class girls
outperform middle class boys too, who are less likely to associate masculinity with factory work. - Willis argued that the ‘Lads’ formed a counter school culture and rejected
education even when they had jobs to go to, meaning there are other causes
of male underachievement besides the crisis of masculinity.
Equal opportunities (policies)
*The work of sociologists in highlighting girls underperformance in the past = a greater emphasis in schools on equal opportunities.
*Policies introduced to address gender differences in subject choice and
encourage girls to choose sciences at school e.g. GIST and WISE.
*1988 Education Reform Act: introduced the National Curriculum meaning
all students studied the same core subjects e.g. sciences. Created a more
meritocratic education system, whereby males and females compete on
equal terms.
evaluation of equal opportunities (policies)
Subjects like the sciences remain male dominated, despite the initiatives
such as GIST.
suggests that gender perceptions of different subjects influence subject choice, arts and humanities are seen as feminine and
science and technology masculine
Girls are labelled as the ideal pupil, while boys may be labelled as troublemakers. Girls are positively labelled and respond with attention
and hard work, while it is expected that boys will mess about
Swann and Graddol
teachers might spend more time with boys, however
interactions between teachers and girls are educational (teaching and
learning), whereas interactions with boys are about behaviour
anti-school subcultures
It is more likely that boys will form or join anti-school subcultures.
Peer-group pressure encourages boys to maintain a dominant masculine
identity, developed through resistance to school
Epstein - anti school subcultures
w/c boys risked harassment, bullying and homophobic
comments if they appeared to be hard working at school
Mitsos and Browne (feminisation of education)
Coursework suits girls as girls have better
organisation skills and are more perfectionis
Sewell (feminisation of education)
- argues that education has become feminised and does not nurture masculine traits. - Boys become alienated by the feminised classroom. E.g. dominance of female teachers particularly in primary schools.
feminisation of education
Educational achievement is measured against skills where girls excel more than boys. E.g. high levels of coursework in original GCSEs which girls tend to perform better in
evaluation of feminisation of education
There is now relatively little coursework in GCSEs or A Levels, and girls are still performing better than boys. It would appear that girls are better at exams too
gender differences in education - facts and trends
- Both genders’ results have generally increased over the past 30 years.
- However, girls have improved significantly more than boys
gender differences in education - RISE OF FEMINISM
Since the 1960’s, feminism has grown and challenged patriarchy in all areas
of society.
rise of feminism (main 3 aspects)
- changing ambitions
- changing families
- changing employment
Changing ambitions - Sue Sharpe
Girls’ priorities in the 1970s were love and marriage. Where as in the 1990s, this
changed to careers and independence
how are changing ambitions a result of feminist
Feminism has made it possible for girls to
have realistic ambitions, including changes in
how women are perceived and laws such as
the Equal Pay Act
How changing ambitions positively impacted girls’ educational achievement
If girls are able to have ambitions that are
realistic, that provides them with more motivation to work hard in school, which could lead to better grades
changing ambitions sue Sharpe - evaluation
Sharp’s research
method involved studying the content of MAGAZINES (out dated)
- Increase in divorce rate
- Female headed lone parent
families - Increase in cohabitation
- Women are having less children
- More women staying single
changing employment p laws and policies put in place to improve position of working women
- Equal pay act (1970)
- Sex discrimination act (1975)
internal factors within the education system that = girls improved performance
- role models
- coursework
- selection and league tables
- teacher attention
- equal opportunities policy
equal opportunities policy - meritocracy
The equal opportunities policy has caused education to become more meritocratic. Girls now
have equal opportunities to
There are now more female
teachers and head teachers
in schools compared to the
past. This provides a pro-
education role model for girls