Reproductive Flashcards
What is the function of sonic hedge hog gene?
patterning along anterior/posterior axis
What can a mutation in sonic hedgehog cause?
What is the function of Wnt?
organization along the dorsal-ventral axis
What is the function of homeobox genes? What do Hox mutations produce?
craniocaudal organization
limbs in the wrong location
What happens within one week?
implantation of blastocyst and
When does the bilaminar disk for?
2 weeks
What happens within three weeks? What is this called?
formation of trilaminar disk
Between what two weeks is the embryo most susceptible to teratogens?
3-8 weeks
At what week does the heart begin to beat?
four weeks
At what week are all four limbs developed?
week four
At what week can a fetal heart be seen?
week 6
At what week are genitalia visible?
week 10
What starts gastrulation?
epiblast invaginating to form primitive streak
What is Rathke’s pouch?
depression in the roof of the mouth
What does Rathke’s pouch develop into?
anterior pituitary
What is another name for the pituitary? Which embryological layer?
surface ectoderm
What is a really easy way to remember what the neuroectoderm is?
What is a really easy way to remember what the neural crest is?
Is deformation an extrinsic or intrinsic process? When does a deformation occur?
after embryonic period
Is malformation an extrinsic or intrinsic process? When does it occur?
during embryonic period
What is a sequence?
abnormalities arising from a single embryological event
What kind of birth defects do ACE inhibitors cause?
What kind of birth defects do alkylating agents cause?
absence of digits
What kind of birth defects does carbamazepine cause?
neural tube defects