Reproduction Flashcards
What is the embryonic origin of the Gonads?
proliferation of the mesothelium and the condensation of the mesenchyme
What is the embryonic origin of the primordial germ cells?
Endoderm Origin
What induces the development of the Gonads and during what week?
Primordial germ cell migration to the genital ridge. Around week 6
Origin of the primitive sex cords is what?
invagination of epithelium into the mesenchyme
How does the paramesonephric (Mullerian )Duct form?
by the invagination of the coelemic epithelium
The Presence of SRY gene forms what?
gonads to Testes
The absence of SRY gene forms what?
Gonads to ovaries
what does the Primitive sex cord form?
Medullary cord
What 2 things does the medullary cord form?
1) rete Testes
2) seminifurous tubules
Where do spermatogonia originate from?
Primordial germ cells
Where do Leydig cells originate from?
Mesenchyme of the Genital Ridge
Where do Sertoli cells come from?
What 3 things does the Mesonephric Duct form?
1) Vas defferens
2) Ductus Epidydimis
3) appendix epididymis`
What 2 things form from the EXCRETORY mesonephric duct?
1) paradydimis
2) Ductuli Defferens
Paramesonephric duct forms what two things?
1) prostatic utricle
2) Appendix testis
Where does the seminal colliculus come from?
Primitive urogenital sinus
In females where does the Ovarian Medulla originate from?
The degeneration of the medullary cords
In females during what week do the cortical cords form?
7th week
where do cortical cords form from?
In 4th month cortical cords splits and forms what?
cell clusters called follicles
In females what forms the oogenia
primordial germ cells
If the primordial germ cells dont reach the genital ridge by week __________ gonads will not form
5th week
What are the two types of ducts males and females both have?
Mesonephric Ducts and Paramesonephric Ducts
In females what three things form from the Wolffian Ducts?
1) Epoophoron
2) Proophoron
3) Gartners Cyst
In females what 3 things form from the paramesonephric duct?
1) Upper part of the vagina
2) uterus
3) oviducts (fallopian tubes)
Where does the lower part of the vagina come from?
primitive urogenital sinus
in females the primitive urogenital sinus forms 2 things one is the_______ _______
Sinovaginal bulb
The homolog of the Oviducts in male is what?
Appendix testes
Homolog of the uterus in males is what?
Prostatic Utricle
Homolog of the Hymen in males is what?
Seminal Colliculus
Hymen and Seminal Colliculus both are a remnant of what?
Sinus tubercle
The homolog for the prostate gland in females is what?
urethral and Paraurethral Glands
The homolog of the bulbourethral glands in females is what?
Greater Vestibular Glands
The homolog of the Seminal Vesical in females is what?
Spongy urethra forms what ?
Bulbourethral glands
Prostatic Urethra forms what?
prostate gland
Outgrowth of the mesonephric duct forms what?
Seminal vesicles
Anti Mullarian hormone supresses what?
Paramesonephric ducts
Testosterone stimulate the production of what?
mesonephric duct
What is the defect uterus arcuatus?
the Fundus of the uterus goes down due to lack of fusion
What is the defect uterus bicornis ?
What is Cervical Atresia?
when the cervix closes up due to BILATERAL mullarian atresia
What is Vaginal atresia?
short vagina. Sinovaginal bulbs do not form
Sinovaginal bulbs does what?
Elongation of the vagina forms the hymen
WHat forms the shaft of the penis and the clitoris?
Genital tubercle
what forms the scrotum and the labia majora?
Genital Fold
What forms the spongy urethra and the labia minora?
urethral fold
What forms the Penile urethra and the Vestibule ?
definitive urognital sinus
What is hydrometrocolpos?
Imperforated hymen
What is hypospadias?
Incomplete fusion of the urethral fold (holes in the shaft)
Epispadias is associated with what?
exstrophy of the bladder, urethal opening is in the dorsal part of the penis
What causes Micropenis?
insufficient androgen production
Patient with double penis is caused by what?
the genital tubercle splits
What is cryptorchidism?
Failure for testes to descend
Derivatives of the gubernaculum in females is what?
Ovarian ligament and round ligament