Introduction to Neoplasia Flashcards
The process of uncontrolled growth and accumulation of cells due to proliferation is called what
A well circumscribed mass within a capsule that grows slowly and can be removed surgically is referred to as what kind of neoplasm?
A neoplasm that has features of a malignancy while the basement membrane is still intact is referred to as what
Tumors derive their names based on what component?
parenchymal component
A benign neoplasm that is within the epithelial tissue will have the suffix:
A malignant neoplasm that is within the epithelial tissue will have the suffix:
A benign tumor that is composed of melanocytes with no change in color or size is called what?
A malignant tumor that is composed of melanocytes is called what?
Malignant melanoma
benign tumor of cells lining the placental epithelium, resembles grapes with vesicles is called what?
Hydatidiform mole
A tumor forming of glands or originating from glands will be called a:
The gross appearance of a tumor that has a cavity appearance to it is referred to as what?
Define a Polyp
-club like projection into the lumen of a hollow viscera
Gross appearance of a tumor that has finger like projections is called what?
where are polyps most commonly found?
A benign neoplasm found within the mesenchymal tissue will have the suffix:
A malignant neoplasm found within the mesenchymal tissue will have the suffix:
A patient that is diagnosed with osteo-sarcoma is what kind of tumor?
Malignant tumor of the bone
A lipoma will be what?
Benign tumor within the adipocytes
Most Common in Males
A Leiomyoma is what?
Benign tumor of the smooth muscle
Most common in females
A 27-year-old woman in excellent health has a routine
health maintenance examination. A 2-cm rounded mass is
palpable beneath the skin of the left forearm. The mass on
excision is yellow, soft and shows a benign tumor composed
of adipocytes. What is your diagnosis?
A 35-year-old woman had a firm nodule palpable on the
dome of the uterus six years ago recorded on routine
physical examination. The nodule has slowly increased in size
and is now about twice the size when first discovered. She
remains asymptomatic. what would be your diagnosis?
A 10-year-old healthy girl has a 0.3 cm reddish, slightly
raised nodule on the skin of the upper part of her chest
found on a routine examination. The tumor shows a benign
proliferation of blood vessels. Which of the following
neoplasms is this nodule most likely to be?
The origin of a Seminoma is :
germ cells in the testicular epithelium
The most common germ cell tumor is :
Ectopic islands of
normal tissue is referred to as what?
Malignant tumor of Placenta Epithelium
Malignant tumor of testicular Ep
Malg. of lymph tissue
Malignancy of Blood Vessels
Malg. Mesothelium
Malg. of lymph tisse
Malignant tumor name EXCEPTIONS
lymphoma, melanoma, seminoma, hepatoma, astrocytoma