rel2 Flashcards
- Anisogamy- (sexual reproduction) female eggs less plentiful and limited time frame but men have plentiful sperm that quickly reproduce. Means women are ‘choosier’, men want quantity not quality
- INTRA-SEXUAL SELECTION- competition- members of one sex compete for access to opposite sex
- INTER-SEXUAL SELECTION- choice- members of one sex choose mate of the opposite sex, women thought to be ‘choosier’ as they have to invest more time in offspring, e.g. women choose bigger more resourceful males for more protection of offspring
whats 1 strength and 1 limitation of evolutionary explanations for partner preferences?
✔ Questionnaire by Buss found women look for good finance- better resources for offspring, men looked for physical attractiveness-signals fertility
✖ Self-report
self disclosure
physical attractiveness
filter theory
what are the 3 components of the self disclosure factor affecting attraction?
o Revealing personal info e.g. thoughts, feelings, experiences strengthens rel
o Norms of SD- not too much too early, not too personal
o Different types of SD- neutral (occupation) + personal (greatest fears)
what is 1 strength and 1 limitation of the self disclosure explanation factor affecting attraction?
✔ Miller + Collins found people prefer those who disclose private info + application- use self-disclosure to maintain relationships
✖ Norms of SD are culturally different (e.g. religious restraints on sexuality)
what are the 2 components of the physical attractiveness factor affecting attraction?
o THE MATCHING HYPOTHESIS- want to be equally attractive to partner
o Halo effect- assume better looking people are nicer
what are 2 strengths and 1 limitation of the physical attractiveness factor affecting attraction?
✔ Evidence for Halo effect- Walster found ps rated most attractive were also rated higher on other +ve traits like happiness and career success
✖ Evidence against matching hypothesis- Walster’s first study found those assigned to v attractive partner said they liked them best despite own attractiveness
✔ Evidence for matching hypothesis- Walster’s follow up study if rated equally attractive, more likely to want to take the date further
what are the 3 components of the filter theory factor affecting attraction?
o SOCIAL DEMOGRAPHY- location, class, ethnicity
o SIMILARITY IN ATTITUDES- beliefs, values
o COMPLEMENTARITY- ability to meet each other’s needs
what is 1 strength and 1 limitation of the filter theory factor affecting attraction?
✔ Complementarity in attraction has face validity + research found age + location important
✖ Lacks temporal validity- modern society is much more multi-cultural and interconnected due to internet
state the 4 theories of romantic relationships.
social exchange theory
equity theory
rusbults model of commitment
ducks phase model of relationship breakdown
what are the 3 components of social exchange theory?
o Maximise benefits- more benefits= greater profit so maintain rel
o Comparison levels- compare current to past rels, if current better, maintain rel
o Comparison levels for alternatives- compare current to alternatives ‘’
what is 1 strength and 1 limitation of social exchange theory?
✔ Real world application- counselling aims to increase benefits
✖ Hard to define + measure cost and benefits bc different for all, subjective
what are the 3 components of equity theory?
o Recognises costs and benefits is too simplistic
o Want rel to be fair/equitable – same profitability
o Equity maintenance strategies-change amount you put in, demand more, change perception of costs and benefits
what is 1 strength and 1 limitation of equity theory?
✔ Takes into account both people’s needs, research shows more equity =more satisfied-Mary Utne
✖ Cultural differences- equity has varying importance + individual differences
what are the 3 components of rusbults model of commitment?
o Commit bc investment (money, children, mortgage)
o Commit bc satisfied
o Commit bc no better alternatives
what is 1 strength and 1 limitation of rusbults model of commitment?
✔ Positive looking at satisfaction + application explains why people don’t leave abusive rel
✖ alternative explanations e.g. equity theory
what are the 3 stages of ducks phase model of relationship breakdown?
o Dissatisfaction with rel
o INTRA-PSYCHIC- privately dissatisfied with rel, consider telling others/ending it
o DYADIC- discussing discontents
o SOCIAL- breakdown has happened, going public, negotiate practicalities
o GRAVE DRESSING- tidy-up memories + move on
whats 1 strength and 1 limitation of ducks phase model of relationship breakdown?
✔ grave dressing encourages personal growth + useful framework for counselling
✖ descriptive but doesn’t EXPLAIN breakdown
state the 3 parts of the course under parasocial relationships?
levels of parasocial relationships
the absorption addiction model
attachment theory explanations
what are the 3 levels of parasocial relationships/
o Entertainment-social= view celeb for entertainment
o Intense-personal= intense feelings for celeb/obsessed
o Borderline-pathological= over-identified, extreme behaviour e.g. stalking (absorption becomes addiction)
what are the 3 components of the absorption addiction model?
o Parasocial rels make up for deficits in real life rels enable sense of identity
o Absorption refers to the behaviour of making them closer to the celeb e.g. finding facts about them
o Addictive nature means they escalate through stages
what is 1 strength and 1 limitation of parasocial relationships?
✔ the absorption addiction model provides an explanation e.g. deficit in life
✖ limited evidence, limited testability + often self-reported
what are the 2 attachment theory explanations for parasocial relationships?
o Ainsworth- insecure resistant attachments are more likely to form paras bc need unfulfilled needs met
o Bowlby- attachment theory suggested early difficulties (e.g. maternal deprivation) lead to later attachment difficulties
what is 1 strength and 1 limitation of the attachment theory explanation for parasocial relationships?
✔ provides explanation for behaviour / could be used in therapy
✖ may lead to –ve expectations of future if poor past relationships
for the whole relationships topic, what is 1 strength and 1 limitation that can be used for everything?
these findings have been reported using self-report evidence, so may give socially desirable answers, decreasing the validity of the theories + studies.
Can support them saying they have application to relationships irl.