App Flashcards
How did Wilhelm Wundnt develop psychology?(4)
Empiricist- all knowledge is derived from senses
Laboratory- developed psych by presenting as science
Introspection- self analysis objective approach to it
Scientific- away from philosophy towards scientific
2 bits of research evidence for classical conditioning? (2)
Pavlovs dogs: associate bell (neutral stimulus) with food (unconditioned stimulus) producing salavation (conditioned resp)
Little albert: loud sound+rat= eventually feared the rat
Give 2 strengths of research into classical conditioning (2)
application- recover from phobias marketing explains certain behaviours exp method- reproducible lab exp- establish cause and effect
What are the 3 parts of operant conditioning? Give an example from Skinner’s research for each. (6)
Positive reinforcement: behaviour= pleasant consequence
(skinner gave rat food when pressed lever)
Negative reinforcement= b stops something unpleasant
(pressed lever, electric shocks stop)
Punishment- unpleasant consequence reduce behavior
(pressed lever caused electric shocks)
What is the evidence for social learning theory?
Bandura bobo doll- child played violently with doll after watching adult do it
What are 2 strengths of Bandura’s research?
ext var controlled i.e. gender of model
standard procedure= reproducible
What is a schema?
A package of information or ideas developed through experience
2 strengths of the cognitive approach. (2)
Contributes to AI field
lab exp-highly controlled
application- CBT + Depression
What is the biological approach? (1)
the influence of biological structures on behaviour (genes, neurochemistry, hormones)
give 2 strengths of the biological approach. (2)
treatment of depression with SSRI’s
scientific method
According to Freud’s psychodynamic approach, what are the 3 parts to personality structure, and what do these mean? (3)
ID innate pleasure principle
EGO rational resolves conflict between other 2
SUPEREGO moral develop from same sex p age 5
2 strengths of psychodynamic approach (4)
treat of problem rather than just symptoms
importance of childhood
nature (id ego superego) and nurture (childhood) into account
has claimed to be successful therapy
2 limitations of psychodynamic (4)
unconscious is impossible to test
over sexualized
subjective- therapists interpretation
sexist- women often deemed hysterical
Mediational processes determine whether a behaviour that is observed will actually be imitated.
What are the four mediational processes identified by Bandura?
Motor reproduction (the ability to perform the behaviour)
Motivation (the will to perform the behaviour)
What is the order of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs?
Self actualization Esteem Love and belonging Safety Physiological needs
Name 2 strengths of the humanistic approach
not reductionist-looks at whole person rather than reducing it down like the biological approach
real world application- person centered therapy, maslows hierarchy of needs
positive approach- its for everyone not just the mentally ill
Name 2 weaknesses of the humanistic approach
lack of scientific experiments
self actualization is a vague concept
culturally specific concepts- western world
contains untestable concepts such as self actualization
Give 2 limitations of research into classical conditioning (2)
testing humans=life long phobias
animal testing can’t be generalised
all must involve reflex action to measure
What are the 4 key features of social learning theory? (4)
modelling- copying role model
identification- associates self with model+ wants to be like them
vicarious reinforcement-learning through OTHERS being reinforced
What are 2 limitations of banduras experiment?
Nothing else to do with doll
not generalize to adults- kids impressionable
2 weaknesses of the cognitive approach?
discounts emotion and motivation because computer models =machine reductionism
ignores biology- hormones
What is the cognitive approach the study of?
internal mental processes
2 weaknesses of the biological approach
Claims casual conclusions which may not be true; just because serotonin aids depression doesn’t mean depression is caused by a lack of it
According to the psychodynamic approach, what are the 3 defense mechanisms and what do these mean? (3)
REPRESSION forcing out of conscious
DENIAL refusal to accept reality
DISPLACEMENT transferring feelings elsewhere
According to the psychodynamic approach, what are the 5 psychosexual stages and what do these mean? (5)
ORAL- baby sucking
ANAL- 3, toilet training
PHALLIC- 3- 6, aware of genitals, oedipus complex
LATENCY- 6 sexual energy goes underground
GENITAL- puberty+ goes through adulthood