m2 Flashcards
what are the stores and processes involved in the MSM?
sensory register attention STM (keep in STM maintainence rehearsal) elaborative rehearsal LTM (get back to STM by retrieval)
whats the encoding capacity and duration of the sensory register
raw sensory data
0.5 secs
whats the encoding capacity and duration of the STM
mainly acoustic
7+/-2 chunks
15-30 secs
whats the encoding capacity and duration of the LTM
mainlyl semantic
what are 2 strengths and 2 limitations of the MSM
evidence for seperate stores bc they differ in terms of encoding capacity + duration
evidence for seperate stores bc HM had operation + had no STM but perfect LTM
clive wearing normal LTM impaired STM
clive wearin lost episodic not procedural bc could play piano - suggests LTM not unitary store
too simplistic
what are the 3 types of LTM? describe them + say whether theyre declarative or non-declarative
episodic- events that took place at certain time (e.g. results day) declarative
semantic- factual/meaningful (e.g. apple is a fruit) declarative
procedural- muscle memory, motor/physical tasks (e.g. walking)
What is the aim procedure and findings of Miller’s magic number 7 experiment
aim: test capacity of STM
procedure: list of random numbers p’s who had to repeat them back. lisst length increased by 1 each time until ps unable to recall
findings: average was 7+/- 2 bits of info
what are 2 strengths and 2 limitations of millers magic number 7 experiment?
high reliability so easy to replicate
lab exp good control of ext vars so cause and effect can beestablished
low eco val bc artificial env
demand characteristics- may have guessed aim an behaved differently
what are the 5 components of the WMM, their functions, coding and capacity?
central executive- monitor +coordinate slave systems
capacity=limited, coding=all senses
phonological loop- articulatory control system= inner voice + phonological store= inner ear
capacity=2 secs, coding=acoustic
visuospatial sketchpad- hold and manipulate images,
capacity=3/4 objects, cooding=visual
episodic buffer- store info recieved by central exec,
capacity=4 chunks, coding=all types
what are 2 strengths and 2 limitations of the WMM
more detail than MSM
dual task performance shows 2 tasks using different components can be done at some time
concept of central executive is vague
amnesic patients support model (impaired verbal fine VSS) but lack population validity
what are the 2 explanations for forgetting?
retrieval failure
what is interference as an explanation for forgetting?
proactive= old interfere with new reteroactive= new interfere with old
what is support for intereference as an explanation for forgetting?
stroop test- takes longer to read list 2 (colours differ from words) than list 1 (colour matched words) procedural memory of reading interferes with newer task of reading colours not words
what is the retrieval failure explanation for forgetting?
forgetting due to absence of cues
context deendant forgetting- external cues encoded at time of learning (smells)
state-dependant forgetting internal cues encoded at the time of learning (drunkness/mood)
may have a meaningful link that helps trigger cued recall
what is evidence for context dependant forgetting? (as a part of the retrieval failure explanation for forgetting)
learned list under water, recall 40% better under water
what is evidence for state dependant forgetting? (as a part of the retrieval failure explanation for forgetting)
learned list on histamine, recall better on histamine
What are the 3 factors affecting the accuracy off eye-witness testimony?
misleading information: leading qus, post event discussion
Describe the aims, procedures, findings and conclusions of a study investigating the effect of leading questions on the accuracy of EWT.
loftus and palmer
aim: see if leading questions affect the accuracy of EWT
procedure: ps watched car crashes, asked how fast were the cars going when they “contacted/smashed/bumped”
findings: ps with smaashed gave sig higher speed estimates
conc: leading qus effect accuracy of ewt
what are 2 strengths and 2 limitations of loftus and plamer’s study into the effect of leading questions on accuracy of EWT?
lab study, good control of extraneous variables e.g. watch same thing, so establish cause and effect
lacs eco val bc not real life car crash
all uni students- lacks pop val, maybe all better memory?
what is post-event discussion? who researched into it, what did they find, and whats 1 limitation of their research?
when cowitnesses talk about it together- can contaminate the truth
fiona gabbert found 71% who discussed it, mistakenly recalled something
could be NSI/ISI
What were the findings of Peters’ research into the effect of anxiety on accuracy of EWT?
researcher took details, nurse gave injections, more able to identify researcher than nurse because lower anxiety
what are the findings of research into the weapon focuss effect?
ps identified man holding pen more than man holding knife because they focused on the weapon
what are 1 strength and 2 limitations of research into the effects of anxiety on EWT?
application- EWT
yuille found those closer to shooting had more accuracy despite anxiety
maybe peters results were beccause ps looked away from nurse when ggetting injection
describe the 4 features of the cognitive interview.
report everything
context reinstatement
changed perspective
reversed order
what are 2 strengths and 2 limiitations of the coggnitive interview?
meta analysis found its more accurate than standard interview
effective for all ages (unreliable like elderly and children)
time consuming for police
found mainly only report everything and context reinstatement are effective
Describe peterson and peterson’s research into the duration of stm.
gave ps consonant trigram
rehearsal prevented by counting back in 3s over different lengths of time
was approx 20 secs when rehearsal is prevented
describe baddely’s research into the encoding of the stm
worse recalling acoustically similar words immediatley because stm= mainly acoustic
worse recalling semantically similar words in delayed recall because ltm=mainly semantic
describe research findings into the duration of the ltm
old classmates
90% name and face recognition after 34 years
80% name 40% face recognition after 48 years
v long duration