Regular Past Participles w/ Avere Flashcards
When do you use “Avere” for passato prossimo (past tense)?
What 2 questions do you ask?
When the verb is “transitive” = the action is going onto something or someone else.
1) What
2) Who
What does a “transitive” verb mean?
What 2 questions are answered?
The action goes onto something or someone else
Answers “What” or “Who”
If a regular verb ends in -ARE, what is it’s past participle?
If a regular verb ends in -ERE, what is it’s past participle?
If a regular verb ends in -IRE, what is it’s past participle?
When using compound verb forms, where do common adverbs of time go in the sentence?
Ex: mai, sempre, ancora
BETWEEN avere & the past participle
We spoke
(noi) abbiamo parlato
You bought (sing, informal)
(tu) hai comprato
Did you look for (sing, informal)
(tu) hai cercato
I found
(Io) ho trovato
You (plur) preferred
(voi) avete preferito
They found
(loro) hanno trovoto
We brought
(noi) abbiamo portato
I paid
(io) ho pagato
They swam
(loro) hanno nuotato
You sang (sing, informal)
(tu) hai suanato
We met
(noi) abbiamo incontrato
She slept
(lei) ha Dormito
They sensed / heard / smelled
(loro) hanno sentito
You understood (sing, inform)
(tu) hai capito
He cleaned
(lui) ha pulito
We believed
(noi) abbiamo creduto
He sent / shipped
(lui) hai spedito
You desired / wanted (plural)
(voi) avete desiderato