Dovere, Potere, Volere Verbs Flashcards
To have to;
To owe
Conjugate this verb
io devo
tu devi
lei deve
noi dobbiamo
voi dovete
loro devono
I have to / must / owe
io devo
You (inf, sing) have to / must / owe
tu devi
He/she have to / must / owe
lui / lei deve
We have to / must / owe
noi dobbiamo
You (plur) have to / must / owe
voi dovete
They have to / must / owe
loro devono
What is “dovere” ususually used with to express obligation
Dovere + infinitive
Expresses what has to or must be done
Ex: I must download
Devo scaricare
Ex: You have to dial
Dovete comporre
Dovere + infinitive can mean / express what 2 things?
- Obligation: Express what has to or must be done
- ProbabilityEx: HIs phone must be off
Deve essere spentoEx: It must be broken
Deve essere rotto
I must download a document
(io) Devo scaricare un documento
You (plur) have to dial the number
(voi) Dovete comporre il numero
(com-pour-ay) = to compose
Must be
Dovere (conjugated) essere
His phone must be switched off
Il suo cellulare deve essere spento
Suo = his w/ masculine noun (cellulare)
Dovere + infinitive = express probability
Spegnere= to turn off. Passato prossimo = spento
It must be broken
Deve essere rotto
Dovere + infinitive = express probability
You (sing, inform) must return at noon?
(Tu) devi tornare a mezzogiorno?
Virginia has to eat at twelve thirty
Virginia deve mangiare alle dodici e trenta.
We have to give mum twenty euro
(we owe…)
Noi dobbiamo alla mamma venti euro
I owe you a favore
Ti devo un favore
You (sing, inform) need to save your documents
(tu) Devi salvare i tuoi documenti
i tuoi = “your” with masc plural noun (documenti)
We have to study for the chemistry exam
(noi) Dobbiamo studiare per l’esame di chimica.
I have to go
Devo andare
We owe ten euro
(noi) Dobbiamo dieci euro
He must be in class
(lui) Deve essere a lezione
Dovere + infinitive = express probability
“a” = receiving the action of being in (class) (??)
I have to read a book for the course
(io) Devo leggere un libro per il corso