Interrogatives & Demonstratives Flashcards
What are interrogative words?
Words used to ask a question
Ex: who, where, why
What are interrogative adjectives?
Words that modify nouns:
- Che = invariable
- Quale = changes with noun it modifies
- Quanto = changes with noun it modifies
- What are demonstrative words??
- Words used to show or point to something
Ex: This & That
As adjectives, where do questo (this) and quello (that) go in a sentence?
As adjectives, they go before the noun they modify
What are 3 ways to say “what”?
Che cosa?
*Che doesn’t change with nouns and is actually used in many different ways, depending on sentence.
What courses are you taking this semester?
Che corsi segui questo semestre?
What do you study?
Che cosa studi?
Who / whom?
What interrogative do you use when asking what someone is like?
Which / What?
3 forms, and why do you use each?
- Quale? = noun it modifies is singular
- Quali? = noun it modifies is plural
- Qual è = request specific info without a modified noun
Which restaurant do you prefer?
Quale ristorante preferisci?
“quale” b/c subject is singular
Which languages do you speak?
Quali lingue parli?
“quali” b/c subject is plural
What is your favorite color?
Qual è il tuo colore preferito?
“qual è” = used when
How much?
(2 forms and what are they based on)
Based on the noun it modifies
- Quanto = singular noun
- Quante = plural noun
How much salt do you put in the pasta water?
Quanto sale metti nell’acqua della pasta?
*Quanto = b/c is a singular noun
*nell’acqua = in + l’
*della pasta = in + la
How many sisters do you have?
Quante sorelle hai?
*Quante = b/c noun is plural
If a question begins with an interrogative word, where is the subject?
At the end of the sentence
What does this word mean?
Cosa significa questa parola?
*if interrogative starts sentence, subject is at the end.
What are you buying?
Cosa comprate voi?
*if interrogative starts sentence, subject is at the end.
Where does the engineer live?
Dove abita l’ingegnere?
*if interrogative starts sentence, subject is at the end.