Pimsleur Unit 1: Lessons 17-21 Flashcards
I don’t talk fast
Non parlo velocemente (vay-loh-che-mentay)
You talk too fast for me
Parla troppo velocemente per me (va-loh-che-men-tay)
To give
I can give you some money (formal)
Le posso dare dei soldi
It’s/That’s too expensive
E troppo caro
Are you going to buy something?
Va a comprare qualcosa?
You owe me some money
Me devi dei soldi
I’m going to buy something
Vado a comprare delle caramelle
I have enough (of it)
Ne ho abbastanza
How much is (it)?
What is it?
Che cos’e?
In dollars, it’s not expensive
In dollari, non e caro
I understand Italian
I speak Italian
Capisco l’italiano
Parlo Italiano
My wife
Mia moglie
Here is the milk
Ecco il latte
Who is over there?
Chi e li?
Some water
My husband
Mio marito
You / she / he can drink some milk
Puo bere del latte
Where are you going?
Dove va?
The milk
Il latte
Your wife is here
Sua moglie e qui
You would like to drink some water
Vorrebbe bere dell’aqua
You speak faster (formal)
Parla piu velocemente