Practice from Test & Homework Flashcards
The athletic boy plays soccer well.
Il ragazzo atletico gioca bene a calcio.
The athletic girls play soccer well.
Le ragazze atletiche giocano bene a calcio.
“le” = the for fem plural noun ragazze
“atletiche” = atletica made plural, fem for noun regazze. If adj ends in -o, changes to -e with feminine, plural noun. Need to add “h” to keep hard sound
We invite a sociable and friendly friend to the party
Invitiamo un amico socievole e simpatico alla festa.
Sociavole = ends in e = remains an -e when agreeing with noun amico
Simpatico = ends in -o = stays -o when agreeing with noun amico (sing, masc)
“alla” = a + la
We invite three sociable and friendly friends to the party.
Invitiamo tre amiche socievoli e simpatiche alla festa
“socievoli” = socievole ends in -e, which changes to -i b/c w/ masc or fem plural nouns
“alla” = a + la
My parents have a small car
I miei genitori hanno una piccola macchina.
“i miei” b/c parents is plural
“piccola” = agrees with fem noun macchina
My parents have an ugly car
I miei genitori hanno una brutta macchina.
“i miei” b/c parents is plural
“brutta” = agrees with fem noun macchina
The short man with black hair is called Umberto
l’uomo basso dai i capelli neri si chiama umberto
l’uomo = l’ = masculine when noun starts with vowel
“basso” = masculine b/c noun uomo is masculine
“dai” = ?? but capelli is hair / plural masc and “i” + da = dai
“neri” = nero is “neri” with plural, masc noun capelli
The tall man with blonde hair is called Umberto
L’uomo alto dai capelli biondi si chiama Umberto.
l’uomo = l’ = masculine when noun starts with vowel
“alto” = masculine b/c noun uomo is masculine
“dai” = ?? but capelli is hair / plural masc and “i” + da = dai
“biondi” = biondo with plural, masc noun capelli
Responsible students (masc) finish difficult tasks
Gli studenti responsabili finiscono i compiti difficili
“gli” = The for masc noun starting with “st”
“responsabili” = responsabile is with plural, masculine noun. Ends with -e, so plural masc or fem is -i
“difficili” = difficile is with plural, masculine noun compiti. Ends with -e, so plural masc or fem is -i
The responsible student (female) finish the difficult activity.
La studentessa responsabile finisce l’attività difficile
“responsabile”= adj ending with -e remain -e with singular (masc or fem) noun
“difficile” = difficile ends with -e, so stays -e w/ singular (masc or fem) noun
Giorgina has a beautiful house in Milan.
Giorgina ha una bella casa a Milano
“bella” = agrees with feminine, sing noun “casa”
“a” Milano = in a city
Giorgina has a beautiful office in milano
Giorgina ha un bell’ ufficio a Milano.
“bell’” = bello when noun starts is singular, masculine, starts w/ vowel