.RA Flashcards
external facial bones
- nasal bones (2)2. zygomatic bones (2)3. maxilla (2)4. mandible
Forms a dome over the superior portion of the nasal cavity.Located directly inferior to the glabella
nasal bones
see glossary for definition
angle of inclination or projection
orifice bonded by the margins of the nasal bones and the maxilla
nasal cavity
diamond shaped bone of the cheek
zygomatic bone
might see zygomatic bone or zygomatic arch as being measured to get the….
widest part of the face
just underneath the zygomatic arch you will find the…
zygomatic depression
lies lateral to the portion of the cheekinferior to the zygomatic arch
zygomatic depression
made up by the frontal bone and the zygomatic bone
zygomaticofrontal process
two fused bones that form skeletal base of most of the superior face, roof of the mouth, sides of the nasal cavity, and the floor of the orbit (eye socket)
maxilla is also called the…
upper jaw bone
sharp boney projection located medially along the inferior margin of the nasal cavity
nasal spine
a slip of skin partition that covers the nasal spine and separates the medial portion of the nostrils.most inferior part of the nose
columna nasi
processes of the maxillan???? check spelling
Alveolar process (glossary)Frontal process of the maxilla (glossary)Palatine Process (non-glossary)Dental Prognathism (buck teeth)
bony ridge that contains the tooth sockets
alveolar process
ascending part of the upper jaw
frontal process of the maxilla
horse shoe shaped single bone of the mouthlower jaw
2 main parts of the mandible
horizontal portion of the mandible
corresponding vertical portion of the mandible
parts of the body of the mandible
mental eminenceincisive fossaalveolar processes
parts of the ramus of the mandible
condylecoronoid processmandibular notch
Prominent eminence of the mandibleTriangular projection on the inferior portion of the anterior mandible
mental eminence
area between the mental eminence and the inferior incisor teeth
incisive fossa
???? glossary term
incisive teeth
rounded eminence at the articulating end of the bone
non articulating end of the bonethis is where the temporal muscle attaches
coronoid process
the depression located between the condyle and the coronoid process
mandibular notch
marks the widest part of the lower 1/3 of the face
angle of the mandible
angle of the mandible
widest part of the lower face
widest part of the head (cranium)
widest part of the face
Check textbook
page 23
other bones that are not surface bones….they are of less interest to (Alteri)
(cranium)ethmoid bonesphenoid bone(facial)vomer bonepalantine boneslacrimal bones
see pages 20 & 23 for
other bones that are not surface bones
muscle provides…
muscle bulkcontour effecttopographicalsurface form
continual muscle contraction leaves…
markings (wrinkles) on the face
wrinkles run ___________ to muscle fiber
wrinkles are more pronounced on ______
loss of muscle tone will cause__________
sagging of tissues
the care of the deceased to recreate natural form and color
restorative art
refers to the shape of a surface structure which is recognized by its outline and surface movement
the basic form of the nose is shaped how?
pyramid shape
the basic form of an ear is shaped how?
Form involves the following dimensions…
refers to those rays of light reflected from the surface
highlights and shadows affect
appearance of color
one thing to do to look at highlights and shadows is to look at it in….
black and white
unless at least _________ of the facial structures remain intact, no restoration is ordinarily attempted, because it may resemble a __________. This is called the ________ rule. (mayer)
two-thirdswax replica2/3
the ________ may be violated in some cases.
2/3 rule
not all restorative art involves________
types of restorative art without wax
- external cosmetics2. internally (restorative chemicals w/ ACTIVE dyes)
______________is good to be included with permission to embalm
permission to restore
when preparing a wound using wax it must _________
be firm & dry
wounds must be ________ because you will be placing a substance and the surrounding structure should not ______
wounds should be ______because one component of wax is ________
drypetroleum (oil)
dismembered parts should ALWAYS be attached _________________.
after embalming
study of the structures and surface markings of the face and featuresa topography of the face
lack of symmetry or proportiondifferences in paired features
it is natural to be ________
the most common characteristic of each part of a feature (or face)
one eye width is the same as_______
width of the nose
anthropological classification (pg. 12)
See pages 589-605 MUST READ Embalming: history, theory, & practice
read it!
first people to practice any type of RA
practice of reading facesPlato & Aristotle all wrote about the subject of facial meanings
Chinese & mediterranean
practice of reading faces originated in______
This era took low priority; little effort to restore
middle ages to early 19th century
restoration began at the end of ___________
the Civil War (civil war era)
done on their own initiativeno textbooksno instruction, cosmetics or instrumentstrial & error
Those that are considered pioneers in RA
early attempts and problems with RA
Plastic surgery (skin transplant)Plaster of paris Clay & puttySoapWaxes
problems with skin transplant
skin dehydrated discoloration
problems with plaster of paris
draws moisture from surrounding tissues
problems with clay & putty
too dark & oilydifficult to hide w/cosmetics
finally manufactures produced a practical substance to perform RA.influence of mortuary science schools in 1920’s
body erect with arms at the sides and palms forward
anatomical position
front (before)
toward back
beneath (lower)
toward midline
medial line
toward sides (away from median line)
body planes are located on page
horizontal plane also called
transverse plane
frontal plane also called
coronal plane
median (medial) plane also calleddivides into right and left
sagittal plane
state of being deep
know terminology of…..
deepsuperficialmiddle of the body
hollow or shallow area
area that sticks outState or condition of being thrust forward or projecting
hollow depressed area
outer segment of a circle
line which is neither horizontal or verticalSlope; deviation from the horizontal or vertical; oblique
relating to, or having two sides
dissimilarities noted when looking at two sides
bilateral differences
bilateral view of a person’s silhouette
bilateral silhouette
a view of a person from the front
frontal aspect
a view of a person from the side
a view of a person that is slightly turned
3 quarter view
additional terminology needed
frontal (anterior view)margins (boundaries or edges)oblique (slanting; neither horizontal nor perpendicular)pyramidrecession (recessed; withdraw from normal position)sunken (commonly the eyes)vertex (crown or topmost part)
requires a long period of time, is extensive, or requires technical skill
major restoration
types of major restorations
full head of hairdeep wound preparation and care of deep lacerationsrepair or reconstruction of multiple fracturesbuck-teeth (dental prognathism)3rd degree burns
The funeral home can charge the family for RA if_____________
it is on the general price list/contract
Charging the family for RA is ____________.
up to the funeral home…not required
When discussing RA with a family be aware of___________
promises/time lines
Always make sure that the family has __________
requires a minimum of effort, skill or time to complete
minor restoration
types of minor restorations
tissue building (filler)waxing (lips, razor burn, sutures, etc.)bleaching/concealing discolorationsremoval of fever blistersminor hair replacement (parts of eyebrow, eyelash, etc.)reducing swelling (non-surgical)
distinguishing characteristics not to be altered or concealed normally….
Bones of the head are divided into….
bones of the craniumbones of the face
geometric form of the “normal skull”
the geometric from of the skull is determined from what views?
frontal &above
form varies from______________
person to person
why does form vary?
because of differences in width & length
see page 12 for skull comparison of male, female, and infant
it is important to note the differences in
bone thicknesssize of bonesprominence of eminence
look up info on ……prominence of eminence
look into….infant skull development
effects of tooth loss and
bones of the external cranium
frontal (1)occipital (1)parietal (2)temporal (2)
which bones are paired bones of the cranium
anterior third of the cranium
frontal bone
surfaces of the frontal bone
- vertical surface (forehead)2. horizontal surface (crown)
eminences of the frontal bone
- frontal eminence (2)2. supraorbital margin (2)3. superciliary arch (2) “eyebrow”4. glabella
look up eminence and projection in glossary
Rounded prominences on either side of the median line of the frontal bone. May be indistinct at times (unrecognizable) or continuous.
frontal eminence
superior rim of the eye sockets (2)
supraorbital margin
the supraorbital margin lies _________ regarding the superciliary arch.
on some individuals the supraorbital margin will be _________
prominent ex: Tommy Lee Jones
lies in the inferior part of the forehead just superior the medial ends of the eyebrows (the thicker part of an arched eyebrow)
superciliary arch
superciliary arch is normally more prominent in people with ___________
receding foreheads
Located between the superciliary arch. Located in the inferior part of the frontal bone. Considered to be at the root of the nose. (where a uni-brow grows)
when the glabella is very prominent it will make the root of the nose look very _______________
the lowest part of the back and the base of the cranium. Forms a cradle for the brain.
occipital bone
distinctive features of the occipital bone
occipital protuberanceforamen magnum
located at the center of the external surface of the occipital bone
occipital protuberance
opening in the occipital bone, the spinal cord passes thru it
foramen magnum
pages 128-129 discusses decapitation
superior portion of the sides and the posterior 2/3 of the cranium
parietal bones
parietal eminences
convexity of the parietal bone
a measurement of one parietal eminence to another gives you the ______________________.
widest part of the cranium
where are the parietal eminences located?
above posterior border of the ears.
inferior portion of the sides and the base of the cranium
temporal bone
concave surface of the head overlying the temporal bone.
temporal cavity
vertical portion of the temporal bone and is fairly thin (almost translucent) Scale like
characteristics of the squama
thinalmost translucentscale like
there are _______ anatomical structures of the temporal bone. Used for locating the modeled ear.
What are the anatomical structures of the temporal bones used to locate the modeled ear?
- external auditory meatus2. zygomatic arch3. mandibular fossa4. mastoid process
ear passagesee glossary
external auditory meatus
extension of the zygomatic bonedivides the length of the ear in halfsee glossary
zygomatic arch
measurement of one zygomatic arch to the other gives you the…..
widest part of the face
where the condyle of the mandible articulatesis anterior to the external auditor meatus
mandibular fossa
rounded portion most inferior portion of the temporal boneis posterior to the lobe of the ear (fatty inferior one third portion of the ear)sternoclydomastoid muscle attaches here
mastoid process