R A Drugs Flashcards
Classes of anti arthritic drugs
Disease modifying antirheumatic
Design to disrupt and slow down the progression of the disease
Two types of DMARDS
Nonbiological (traditional)
Two types of DMARDS
Nonbiological (traditional)
Biological (sniper)
Methotrexate non biologic
Uses and what do we monitor
Uses Ra,psoriasis and cancer treatments
monitor CBC, WBC, liver fxn studies , assess pain and ROM
Biologic response modifiers (BRMS) other names
- also called biological or immunotherapy
Biologic response modifiers purpose
Slow progression of disease
Used to treat moderate to severe disease
Used alone or in combo with other drugs
Uses of etanercept(biologic dmard)
Ra, psoriatic arthritis
Responsibilities of etanercept (biologic dmard)
Assess pain, swelling &ROM
Monitor cbc , esp. WBC TB testing
Side effects of etanercept (biological dmard)
URI, infection site rxn
Risk for TB & malignancies
Education for etanercept biologic dmard
Self admin, SUBcut injection
Risk of adverse rxn to live virus vaccine
What should you ask your pt when etanercept is prescribed
Always ask pt if they can afford the drug and if not talk to someone and see or get them into a program
What are some test you can do before and during etanercept
TB testing , chest xray done in case there is a dormant case of tb it will cause it be be reactive
Corticosteroid therapy
Intraarticular injections( joint injections with any kind of steroid or steroid base gel)
Low-dose oral for limited time (usually short term for exacerbations
Nsaid and salicylates
Anti-inflammatory analgesic and antipyretic
May take 2 to 3 weeks for full effectiveness
May com
Do NOT stop progression of RA*
Helps with symptoms and flare up
What can be combined with DMARD
Corticosteroids and NSAIDS
Methotrexate side effects
GI upset, anemia, thrombocytopenia, may cause fetal harm (child-bearing age)
What can we educate when administering methotrexate
risk for infection , use birth control , photosensitivity (sunburn)
Why is methotrexate most commonly used
Most common because its so cheap (different forms pills,IV)