Publications Flashcards
SOLAS CH V Reg 19.2.4 requires:
All ships, irrespective of size, shall have
nautical charts & publications to:
- Plan and display the ship’s route for the intended voyage
- Plot and monitor positions throughout the voyage;
- an electronic chart display and information system (ECDIS) may be accepted if it meets the requirements.
The Merchant Shipping (Safety of Navigation) Regulations 2020
-All Charts and publications must be the latest obtainable edition and be kept up to date from the latest NtoMs and Navigational warnings.
-Includes the Nautical Publications required to meet SOLAS CH V reg 19.
Charts (UKHO)
The UK Hydrographic Office (UKHO) produces electronic and paper nautical charts through its ADMIRALTY portfolio, including comprehensive chart coverage of the world’s commercial shipping routes and ports.
an executive agency sponsored by the Ministry of Defence.
Mariners Handbook NP100 (UKHO)
- Information on nautical charts and their use.
- Operational information and regulation
- Tides and Currents
- Characteristics of the sea
- Basic Met
- Ice Navigation
- Hazards and restrictions to navigation.
Merchant Shipping Notices (UKHO)
Merchant Shipping Notices, Marine Guidance Notes and Marine Information Notes
Admiralty Notice to Mariners (UKHO)
8 Chapters:
1. Explanation Notes
2. ADMIRALTY NtoMs, Updates to standard nautical charts.
3. Reprints of NAVAREA 1 Navigational Warnings
4. Updates to ADMIRALTY Sailing Directions
5. Updates to ADMIRALTY List of Light and Fog Signals
6. Updates to ADMIRALTY List of Radio Signals
7. Updates to miscellaneous ADMIRALTY Nautical Publications.
8. Updates to ADMIRALTY Digital Services
Admiralty Notice to Mariners - Annual Summary (UKHO)
Part 1: NtoMs and Ts & P’s
Part 2: Updates to Nautical Publications
Can Rowdy Sailors Make Good Partners?
Admiralty List of Radio Signals
Vol 1-6 (UKHO)
Maritime radio stations - communications (CAN)
Radio aids to navigation (ROWDY)
Maritime safety information (SAILORS)
Met observation stations (MAKE)
Pilot Services (PARTNERS)
Port Operations
Ship Reporting Systems
Admiralty List of Radio Signals - Overview
Covers all aspects of Maritime Radio Communications.
ALRS - Volume 1
Radio details for:
- Global Maritime Communications
- Satellite Communication Services
- Coastguard Communications
- Maritime TeleMedical Assistance Service (TMAS)
- Radio Quarantine and Pollution reports
- Anti-Piracy Contact Table
ALRS - Volume 2
Radio Aids to Navigation,
Differential GPS (DGPS),
Legal Time,
Radio Time Signals
Electronic Position Fixing System
ALRS - Volume 3
Radio details for:
- Maritime Weather Services
- Navigational and Weather Warnings
- NAVTEX and EGC Services
- Submarine and Gunnery Warning details (Subfacts and Gunfacts)
- Radio-Facsimile Stations, frequencies and weather map areas
ALRS - Volume 4
This volume includes:
- All Met Observation Stations listed worldwide
ALRS - Volume 5
Volume includes:
- Worldwide communication requirements for distress, search and rescue
- Extracts from SOLAS and ITU Regulations
- Distress and SAR (incorporating MRCC and MRSC contacts)
- NAVTEX and and EGC Service fundamentals, with an overview of the MSI broadcasts by each
- MSI fundamentals under the Worldwide Navigational Warning Service
- Worldwide NAVAREA and National Coordinator contact details
ALRS - Volume 6
Pilot Services, Vessel Traffic Services and Port Operations
Radio details for:
- Detailed Pilot information, contact details and procedures
- Vessel Traffic Service information, contact details and procedures
- National and International Ship Reporting Systems
- Port information, contact details and procedures
Admiralty List of Lights (UKHO)
- Lighthouses, Lightships, fog signals and other lights of navigational significance
- Light elevation and structure height in metres
- Range of Light
- Description of structure
- Translations for foreign languages
- International Number
Admiralty Sailing Directions (UKHO)
- Directions for Port entry
- Port facilities
- Climate information
- Navigational hazards
- Waterway directions
- Buoyage
Admiralty Tide Tables (UKHO)
- Daily predictions of time and height of high and low waters at Standard Ports
- Time and Height differences for Secondary Ports
coverage: UK and Ireland, Europe, the Indian Ocean, South China Sea and Pacific Ocean.
Admiralty Tidal Stream Atlases (UKHO)
- Major tidal streams for selected waters of north west Europe.
- Direction and rate of tidal streams at hourly intervals
Nautical Almanac (UKHO)
- Contains the astronomical data required for sea celestial navigation
Navigational Tables (Norries)
- Computation and Conversion tables
- Celestial and Coastal Nav
- Seaports of the world
Operating and maintenance instructions for navigational aids carried by the ship
International Code of Signals (IMO)
Provide means of simple and effective communication in situations related to safety of navigation and persons.
Especially when language barriers arise.