LSA Flashcards
What does a SOLAS pack A consist of?
(list 10)
- Buoyant knife
- Buoyant paddles
- Sea Anchors
- First Aid kit
- Whistle
- Radar Reflector
- Water + Food Rations
- Sea sickness tablets
- Hand Flares, Rocket Parachute + Orange smoke flares.
- Bailers + Sponges
- Rescue quoits w/ min 30m lines.
- Non-folding buoyant knife.
(x2 if >13pax) - <12 pax: 1 bailer, >13 pax: 2 bailers
- 2 sponges.
- 2 buoyant paddles.
- 3 tin openers.
- 2 sea anchors.
- Pair of scissors.
- First aid waterproof kit.
- Whistle.
- Waterproof torch for communicating morse code with spare set of batteries + bulb.
- Signalling mirror/heliograph.
- Radar reflector.
- Life-saving signals waterproof card.
- Fishing tackle.
- Food ration totalling not less than 10000 kJ for each person.
- Water ration- 1.5 L of fresh water for each person.
- Rust proof graduated drinking vessel.
- Anti-sea sickness medicine sufficient for at least 48 hours and a sick bag per person.
- Instructions on how to survive (Survival booklet).
- Instructions on immediate action.
- TPA sufficient for 10% of the number of persons or two, whichever is greater.
- Marking shall be SOLAS ‘A’ Pack.
- 6 Hand Flares.
- 4 Rocket Parachute Flares.
- 2 Buoyant Smoke Signals.
How does SOLAS pack A differ from pack B?
identical to SOLAS ‘A’ except:
food and water rations have been removed along with half of the flares.
What do you do once in a life raft?
Cut the painter
Stream sea anchor once clear of vessel
Close Liferaft (if rough and cold.)
Maintain - sea sick tablets, look for survivors, morale, survival booklet, bail out, ration management, casualty treatment, join up with other liferafts.
Markings on a liferaft?
- Makers name or trade mark;
- Serial number;
- Date of manufacture;
- Name of approving authority;
- Name and place of servicing station where it was last serviced;
- No. of persons it can accommodate.
What is a rescue boat?
- Rigid / Inflatable / Both
- 3.8 m < 8.5m
- 6 kts maintained for min. 4 hrs
- sufficient manoeuvrability to retrieve persons from water
- Permanent towing arrangement
- 5 x seated PAX and 1 lying down.
- Weathertight stowage for small equipment.
What equipment must be in a rescue boat?
(list 10 items)
- Oars / Paddles
- Bailer
- Luminous binnacle (compass)
- sea anchor
- buoyant safety knife
- 1 x buoyant line (50m)
- 2 x buoyant rescue quoits w/ 30m buoyant line (baby life rings)
- Whistle
- Search light
- Radar reflector
- First Aid kit
- Waterproof electric torch + spare batteries and bulb
- TPAs
- portable APPROVED fire extinguisher
- boat hook
- painter to tow
- bucket
- buoyant safety knife
- manually operated pumps/bellows
- 2 sponges
- repair kit
Rescue Boat Launch
drill requirements?
Must be launched in 5 min
carried out once every 3 months
- lifejackets, immersion suits and head protection
- two way radio comms. established between:
* Rescue boat
* Bridge
* I/C of launching. - Engine running before it enters water.
* No legal requirement to practice launching underway.
* Drill carried out under supervision of an experienced officer.
Line throwing device.. fire upwind or downwind?
What is a HRU?
Hydrostatic Release Unit
Water Pressure activates a diaphragm at 1.5 - 4 m depth.
The diaphragm releases a spring loaded blade which allows life raft to float up.
The painter of the life raft, is still connected to a strong point on the vessel via a weak link. It pulls out completely and inflates the life raft.
Due to increased buoyancy, the weak link breaks and the life raft is now free from the vessel.
What is a weak link and why? (HRU)
A safety component designed to break under a specific load, allowing the LIFE RAFT or EPIRB to detach from the vessel when submerged.
EPIRB. What is it?
Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon
406 MHz - direct/space wave (UHF)
Cospas-Sarsat satellite system determines position < 3 miles.
Coded message identifies vessel.
Also transmits 121.5MHz for SAR aircraft homing.
How long can an EPIRB last and how is it activated?
(2 methods)
> 48hrs once activated
- Auto - Salt water contacts
- Manual Activation (instructions on EPIRB)
How often should an EPRIB be checked?
MSN 1810:
Monthly - physically examined and self test function
Annually - performance test using approved equipment.
Every 5 yrs - S.B.M
What is a SART?
-self contained waterproof radar transponder
-X band - 9 GHz - 3cm wavelength
How long can a SART last once activated?
96 hours in standby mode
8 Hrs continuous operation
How does a SART appear on a radar screen?
- Series of 12 dots
- < 1nm series of 12 arcs
- At SART, 12 circles
What is the General Alarm?
7 short followed by one long
What are the distress signals?
a) a gun or other explosive signal fired at intervals not exceeding 1 minute.
b) continuous sounding of fog signalling apparatus
c) rockets or shells throwing red stars, fired one at a time at short intervals
d) signal made by any other signalling method consisting of group …—… (SOS) in morse code.
e) signal sent by radiotelephony consisting of the spoken word MAYDAY.
f) International Code Signal of Distress - November Charlie
g) square flag with a ball above or below
h) flames on the vessel
i) RED rocket parachute flare or hand flare
j) orange smoke signal
k) slowly and repeatedly raising and lowering outstretched arms
l) distress alert by DSC transmitted on
- VHF Channel 70
- MF/HF frequencies 2187.5 kHz, 8414.5kHz, 4207.5kHz, …
m) ship to shore distress alert transmitted by the ships INMARSAT or other mobile satellite service
n) signals transmitted by EPIRB
o) approved signals transmitted by radio communication systems (SART)