COLREGS Flashcards
Sections of the COLREGS
Part A - General (Rule 1-3)
Part B - Steering and Sailing (Rule 4-19)
Section I - Conduct of vessels in any state of visibility. (Rule 4-10)
Section II - Conduct of vessels in sight of one another (Rule 11-18)
Section III - Conduct of vessels in restricted visibility (Rule 19)
Part C - Lights and Shapes (Rule 20-31)
Part D - Sound and Light Signals (Rule 32-37)
Part E - Exemptions (Rule 38)
Part F - Verification of compliance with the provisions of the Convention (Rule 39-41)
Annex I - Positioning and technical details of lights and shapes
Annex II - Additional signals for fishing vessels fishing in close proximity
Annex III - Technical details for sound signal appliances
Annex IV - Distress Signals
Part A
Rule 1 - Application
Rule 2 - Responsibility
Rule 3 - General Definitions
Part B
Section I
Rule 4 - Application
Rule 5 - Look out
Rule 6 - Safe Speed
Rule 7 - Risk of collision
Rule 8 - Action to avoid collision
Rule 9 - Narrow Channels
Rule 10 - TSS
Part B
Section II
Rule 11 - Application
Rule 12 - Sailing Vessels
Rule 13 - Overtaking
Rule 14 - Head On situation
Rule 15 - Crossing situation
Rule 16 - Action by give way vessel
Rule 17 - Action by stand on vessel
Rule 18 - Responsibilities between vessels
Part B
Section III
Rule 19 - Restricted Visibility
Part C
Rule 20 - Application
Rule 21 - Definitions
Rule 22 - Visibility of lights
Rule 23 - Power driven vessels underway
Rule 24 - Towing and Pushing
Rule 25 - Sailing Vessels underway and vessels under oars
Rule 26 - Fishing Vessels
Rule 27 - Vessels NUC or RAM
Rule 28 - Vessels CBD
Rule 29 - Pilot Vessels
Rule 30 - Anchored vessel and vessels aground
Rule 31 - Seaplanes
Part D
Rule 32 - Definitions
Rule 33 - Equipment for sound signals
Rule 34 - manoeuvring and warning signals
Rule 35 - Sound signals in restricted vis
Rule 36 - Signals to attract attention
Rule 37 - Distress Signals
Part E
Rule 38 - Exemptions
Annex I - Positioning and technical details of lights and shapes
Annex II - Additional Signals for fishing vessels fishing in close proximity
Annex III -Technical details of sound signal appliances
Annex IV - Distress Signals
Distress Signals
a) a gun or other explosive signal fired at intervals not exceeding 1 minute.
b) continuous sounding of fog signalling apparatus
c) rockets or shells throwing red stars, fired one at a time at short intervals
d) signal made by any other signalling method consisting of group …—… (SOS) in morse code.
e) signal sent by radiotelephony consisting of the spoken word MAYDAY.
f) International Code Signal of Distress - November Charlie
g) square flag with a ball above or below
h) flames on the vessel
i) RED rocket parachute flare or hand flare
j) orange smoke signal
k) slowly and repeatedly raising and lowering outstretched arms
l) distress alert by DSC transmitted on
- VHF Channel 70
- MF/HF frequencies 2187.5 kHz, 8414.5kHz, 4207.5kHz, …
m) ship to shore distress alert transmitted by the ships INMARSAT or other mobile satellite service
n) signals transmitted by EPIRB
o) approved signals transmitted by radio communication systems (SART)
Define “Vessel engaged in fishing”
“any vessel fishing with apparatus which restrict manoeuvrability. (nets, lines, trawls)”
does NOT include a vessel fishing with fishing apparatus which don’t restrict manoeuvrability. (trolling lines)
Define “Vessel Not Under Command”
a vessel through some EXCEPTIONAL circumstances is unable to manoeuvre as required and therefore unable to keep out of the way.
Define “vessel restricted in her ability to manoeuvre”
a vessel from the nature of her work
includes but not limited to:
-laying, SERVICING or picking up a navigation mark, submarine cable or pipeline. (S)
-TOWING which severely restricts her ability to deviate from their course. (T)
-launching or recovering AIRCRAFT. (A)
-MINE clearance ops. (M)
-replenishment or transferring PERSONS, PROVISIONS or cargo. while underway. (P)
-a vessel engaged in dredging, SURVEYING or underwater operations (S)
Define “vessel constrained by her draught”
POWER DRIVEN vessel, due to her draught in relation to the available DEPTH and WIDTH of navigable water, is severely restricted in her ability to deviate from her course.
Define “restricted visibility”
ANY condition in which visibility is restricted.
-Falling snow
-Heavy Rainstorms
Define “underway”
a vessel NOT:
- at anchor
- made fast to the shore
- aground
Rule 5 - Look out
Every vessel shall at all times maintain a proper lookout by sight and hearing as well as all available means appropriate to the prevailing circumstances and conditions
so as to make a full appraisal of the situation and of the risk of collision.
Rule 6 - Safe Speed
Every vessel shall at all times proceed at a safe speed so she can take proper and effective action to avoid collision and be stopped within a distance appropriate to the prevailing circumstances and conditions.
Factors determining safe speed for all vessels:
V D Makes Little Willies Drip.
by vessels with operational radar: Charlie Carr Eats Pie No More.
Factors Determining Safe speed for All Vessels:
V D Makes Little Willies Drip
(V) : the state of visibility
(D) : the traffic density including concentrations of fishing vessels or any other vessels
(MAKES) : the manoeuvrability of the vessel with special reference to stopping distance and turning ability in the prevailing conditions
(LITTLE) : at night the presence of background light such as from shore lights or from backscatter of her own lights
(WILLIES) : the state of wind, sea and current, and the proximity of navigational hazards.
(DRIP) : the draught in relation to the available depth and width of navigable water
Factors Determining Safe speed for
vessels with operational radar:
Charlie Carr Eats Pie No More
(CHARLIE) : the characteristics, efficiency and limitations of the radar equipment
(CARR) : and constraints imposed by the radar range scale in use
(EATS) : the effect on radar detection of the sea state, weather and other sources of interference.
(PIE) : the possibility that small vessels, ice and other floating objects may not be detected by radar at an adequate range
(NO) : the number, location and movement of vessels detected by radar
(MORE) : the more exact assessment of the visibility that may be possible when radar is used to determine the range of vessels or other objects in the vicinity.
Rule 8 - Action to avoid collision
Should be:
- positive
- made in ample time
- with due regard to good seamanship.
Any alteration of course/speed shall be large enough to be readily apparent by the other vessel.
Succession of small alterations of course/speed should be avoided.
Action taken to avoid collision should be carefully checked until finally past and clear.
If necessary, a vessel shall slacken her speed or take all way off by stopping or reversing her means of propulsion-
defines do not impede
Rule 7 - Risk of Collision
“I will take a regular series of compass bearings of the approaching vessel to determine if risk of collision exists.
If the compass bearing does not appreciably change, then risk of collision is deemed to exist.”
- Use all available means appropriate to the prevailing circumstances and condition to determine if risk of collision exists.
-If in doubt, assume risk of collision exists.
-Proper use of radar equipment:
>long range scanning for early warning
>radar plotting for systematic observation of detected objects.
-Do not make assumptions based on scanty information, especially radar.
-Be aware a risk of collision may still exist even with an appreciable compass bearing change for:
>large vessels
> a tow
> vessels at close range.
Define “Not Impede”
to allow
for the
of the
Rule 9 - Narrow Channels
- keep as near to the starboard outer limit as safe and practicable.
- vessel <20m + sailing vessels + fishing vessels not to impede safe passage of a vessel which can only navigate within the narrow channel or fairway.
- a vessel shall not cross if this impedes the safe passage…“…”
- Use appropriate sound signals for overtaking and nearing a bend.
- Don’t forget Rule 13 obligations + engage hand steering to counter effects of being overtaken!!
- any vessel shall avoid anchoring in a narrow channel or fairway