Passage Planning Flashcards
Objective of Passage Planning
To develop a comprehensive navigation plan for the safe conduct of the ship from berth to berth.
What’s in a Passage Plan?
- Hazards and associated risks
- Sufficient sea room and depth is available
- Position fixing opportunities
- Reporting requirements
- Anticipated traffic + weather conditions
- Environmental protection measures.
Practical Answers to what is passage planning.
Genoa > Gibraltar > Antigua
watch video and fill this in
Stage 1: Appraisal
- Gather all information relevant to passage and review.
- Identify + assess risks to make sure that the passage plan is safe.
- Navigation
- General /Operational
- Environmental
- Contingency
*plus any other additional information
N . O . G .E . C .
Which books?
List 10
- Sailing Directions
- NtoMs
- Ocean Passages of the World
- Routeing charts and guides
- Port Guides
- List of Lights
- List of radio signals
- Tide Tables and Tidal Stream Atlas
- Load Line Charts
- Maritime Security Charts
Stage 2: Planning
Developing and Approving a passage plan BASED on the outcome of the APPRAISAL.
*Ocean Waters
*Coastal Waters
*Pilotage Waters
How do we plan on a chart?
- No Go Areas
- Safe Water
- Under Keel Clearance
- Tidal Window
- Course Alteration and Wheel Over positions
- Parallel Indexing
- Transits
- Position Fixing
Setting UKC
- Squat
- Reliability of chart data.
- Predicted tide
- Shifting seabed (silt / sand-waves).
- Manoeuvrability
* Heeling and pitching movement.
* Change in water density in passage (and its effect on draft).
* Accuracy of actual draft.
* Reliability of echo sounder
* Ability to fix our position
* Ability to use a PI
* Reduced depths over pipelines and other obstructions.
Parallel Indexing
means of continuously monitoring vessel’s track
according to the passage plan
Stage 3 : Execution
-Briefing the bridge team on passage plan.
-Navigating the ship according to the passage plan.
Taking into account:
* Reliability of navigational equipment.
* ETA at critical points for tide.
* Passing danger points. (Day/Night)
* Traffic conditions
* Meteorological conditions
Weather Routeing
- Increased safety:
- Better conditions for cargo or passengers;
- Fuel and time savings;
- Reduced costs overall
Stage 4 : Monitoring
Checking ship’s progress with passage plan by:
- Maintaining position within cross track error.
- Monitoring integrity of information displayed on navigational equipment.
- Position fixing:
-Visual + radar fixing techniques using ranges and bearing of charted objects.
-Echo sounder to monitor charted depths and contours