PT Tests And Measures 2 Flashcards
Loud, tubular sounds normally heard over the trachea
Tracheal and bronchial sounds
These sounds heard over distal airways are abnormal and represent consolidation or compression of lung tissue that facilitates transmission of sound
Bronchial sounds
High pitched, breezy sounds normally heard over distal airways in healthy lung tissues
Vesicular breath sounds
Abnormal breath sounds heard with inspiration and/or expiration that can be continuous or discontinuous
Adventitious breath sounds
Abnormal, discontinuous, high-pitched popping sound heard more often during inspiration
May be associated with restrictive or obstructive respiratory disorders
Crackles (rales)
Crackles that occur during the latter half of inspiration typically represent
- Atelectasis
- Fibrosis
- Pulmonary edema
- Pleural effusion
Wet crackles
Typical: represent movement of fluid or secretions during inspiration
Dry crackles
Arise from sudden opening of closed airways
Dry, crackling sound heard during both inspiration and expiration
Occurs when inflamed visceral and parietal pleurae rub together
Pleural friction rub
Continuous, low-pitched sounds described as having “snoring” or “gurgling” quality that may be heard during inspiration/expiration
What causes rhonchi?
Air passing through an airway that is obstructed by inflammatory secretions or liquid, bronchial spasm, or neoplasms in the smaller or larger airways
Continuous, high-pitched wheeze heard with inspiration or expiration
Stridor is indicative of
Upper airway obstruction
Continuous “musical” or whistling sound composed of a variety of pitches
Wheezes arise from
Turbulent airflow and vibrations of the walls of small airways due to narrowing
Abnormal breath sounds when heard in locations where vesicular sounds are normally present
May be produced by pneumonia
Bronchial breath sounds
Decreased or diminished sounds may indicate
- Severe congestion
- Emphysema
- Hypoventilation
Absent breath sounds may indicate
- Pneumothorax
- Lung collapse
Increased vocal resonance with greater clarity and loudness of spoken words
A form of bronchophony in which the spoken long E sound changes to a long nasal-sounding A sound
Recognition of whispered words, “1, 2, 3”
Whispered pectoriloquy