PT Interventions 4 Flashcards
Contraindications for cardiac rehab: angina
Contraindications for cardiac rehab: BP
SBP over 200 at rest
DBP over 110 at rest
Contraindications for cardiac rehab: BP fluctuation
Orthostatic BP drop of more than 20
Contraindications for cardiac rehab: arrhythmias
Contraindications for cardiac rehab: cardiac block
3rd degree heart block without pacemaker
Contraindications for cardiac rehab: clotting
Recent embolism
Contraindications for cardiac rehab: ECG
Resting ST segment depression or elevation over 2 mm
Contraindications for cardiac rehab: heart failure
Uncompensated CHF
What does Phase I cardiac rehab consist of?
- pt and family education
- self-care evaluation
- continuous monitoring of vital signs
- group discussions
- low-level exercise
How long does Phase I cardiac rehab typically last?
3-5 days
Phase I cardiac rehab: should d/c exercise if HR
Over 130 bpm, or more than 30 bpm over RHR
Phase I cardiac rehab: d/c if DBP is above
110 mm Hg
Phase I cardiac rehab: d/c if SBP decreases
d/c if SBP decreases more than 10 mm Hg
When may active UE and LE exercise begin after CABG/infarction
24 hrs after CABG
2 days after MI
Phase I cardiac rehab: exercise should progress from sitting to standing (METS)
1-4 METs