Psychosocial - health behaviours: making change Flashcards
Define self-management
Management by oneself of oneself or one’s affairs – about finding the self-control and mastery needed to take control of one’s work – can be affected internal or external e.g. Environmental factors effecting
What factors effect self-management?
- Identity (stigma and negative emotions)
- Socio-economic conditions
- Enabling environment
- Network support
What studies give health behavioural assumptions?
- People can change and are capable of taking an active role in improving their health
- Adopt health enhancing and avoid health compromising behaviours
What are the two divisons of the stage model of behaviour enactment?
- motivational phase
- post0intentional phase
Explain motivational phase of stage model of behaviour enactment
- (evaluates advantaged and disadvantages of behaviours)
- provide information, education and understanding beliefs underpinning attitudes towards behaviour
Explain the post-intentional phase of the stage model of behaviour enactment
- individual decided to take part in the behaviour
- involving developing a plan or strategy to enact behaviour
- educate, inform, overcome practicalities of starting, form plan, set goals and give social support
State the phases of the stages of change model (transtheoretical model)
- Pre contemplation – no intent to make change
- Contemplation – consider change – motivated when aware of need, experience discomfort, sense of purpose and feel powerful and in control – due to self-efficacy
- Preparation – small changes
- Action – actively engaging in new behaviour – recognise pattern of behaviour, cues (reminders), activate reinforcers, support networks
- Maintenance – sustaining behaviour over time
- Relapse – targets too high, rewards not high enough
What are some criticisms of the stages of change model?
- Intentions not always clearly formulated
- Focus on conscious processes (pros and cons)
- Labelled at certain stages
- Certain order of stages to do through
- Most useful for a clear-cut change or specific action like giving up smoking – not complex
What does the health belief model demonstrate?
How to take action to protect ones health
State two componenets of health belief model
- threat perception
- behavioural evaluation
Explain threat perceptions as a components of the health belief model
- degree which the person percieved the behaviour as a personal health threat
- percieved suceptibility to the illness and percieved severity
Explain behavipural evaluation as a component of the health belief model
- perception that the particular practice will be effective in reducin the threat
- benefits and barriers
- cues to action –
- individual starts to hold appropriate beliefs about the health behaviour
What are some limitations of social cognitive models
- assume behaviours are based on rational decisions making process not accounting for
1. unconciousness
2. learned behaviours
3. emotion as a motivator
4. irrationality
5. need for help
Whats the impact of social networks through social support and oscial participation?
- social and emotional support – protect mainatence of health
- increasing social interaction – number of people relied on reduces levels of distress
- improved interpersonal relationships and participlation in social activities improve persons health and well being
- imitation and conformity – against good behaviours – what we see as normal and habitual
State the three degress of seperation
- materials - objects
- meaning - – understanding of significance of practice – past experience
- Competence – understanding of situation
what does the elements of practice model explain?
the three degrees of seperation
making people change in a group
material - meaning and competence
How can you improve behaviour changes?
Goal setting
- Focus attention must be presented by patient not therapist as individualist patient centered goals that are accepted, specific and clear with points of feedback to see progress
Whats the nudge theory?
Choice architecture involving all outside forces that may subtly guide ones decisions in one direction or another eg. Supermarkets place items at eyelevel