psychology of aging exam 2 Flashcards
understanding variability in the happiness of people contrasted ____ reductionism with ____ idealism
Kant reasoned that SWB depends upon?
satisfaction with one’s condition.. with what nature bestows
Diener (1984) reasoned that?
challenges for top-down modeling were to ascertain how a person acquires temperament, how resistant it is to change and how it interacts with changing circumstance
evidence supporting top-down interpretations of SWB derives from?
studies of monozyogotic and dizgotic twins personality and evaluative cognition
what are the four pieces of edvidence supporting the top-down model?
- twin studies
- personality
- evaluative cognitions
- template for a top-down explanatory model
what are the twin studies found ___% range of variance depended on genetics
twin studies found __% of varaince in phenotypic cross-time correlations.
who included both SWB and the big 5 personality traits among their measures?
Weiss, Bates and Luciano (2008)
Weiss, Bates and Luciano (2008) concluded what?
SWB was genetically indistinct from personality traits
Weiss et all concluded what in 2007
the relationship between SWB and a range of health and social-relationship factors may also be mediated by common genetic effects
what did Schnittker found in 2008?
provided evidence of genetic mediation for martial status, martial support and wealth but not for support from freinds, employment status or income
Consequently claims that the totality of bottom-up effects account for ___% of variance in SWB may be overestimated
research on personality provides abundant evidence that
neuroticism and extraversion correlate with SWB
General factor of personality shared ___% variance with the positive and negative affect schedule (PANAS) and the satisfaction with life scale (SWLS)
what is PANAS
positive and negative affect schedule
what is SWLS
satisfaction with life scale
what did stones and kozma finda in 1985
a single higher-order factor subsumed relationships between composite scores on 27 measures of SWB.
findings on relationships between different types of well being (eudaimonic, psychological and SWB) similarly found a substantial ____
covariation (correlation)
Who concluded there is a relationship between top-down model and bottom-up? year?
Stones, Worobetz & brink, 2011
what is gWB
general factors of wellbeing
in 2011 stones kozma found support for top-down over bottom up explaination in 17/18 comparisons. These findings indicate that Diener et al (1999) where correct to consider____
domain satisfactions a component of (rather than an influence on) SWB
what does the tempalte for a top-down explanatory model lack?
the flexibility to account for lasting effects of changing circumstances on some people
what does the template for a top-down explanatory model good at?
adaptation level and set point thoeries address the stability of SWB
the best evidence suggests that temperament provides?
an encompassing umbrella concept for the design of top-down explanatory model possessing such flexibility
what are the four individual differences in temperament?
- acquired through nature and nurture
- heritable personality traits
- cognitive evaluation
- their behavioral manifestations
what is HIB stand for and encompass?
happiness inducing behaviors
savoring the moment;acts of generosity
what is HB stand for and encompass?
happy behaviors
behavioral manifestations of positive affect
Bottom-up terms influences include______ & ______
substantive variables (life circumstance life change) & unobserved variation (error)
the top-down bottom up model include stability of SWB due to common effects from _____ and _______
specific effects from personality traits (weiss et al. 2008)
what could cause a change in SWB?
a chronic health condition can lead to prolonged loss in SWB
temperament variables indicate that personality traits contribute variance to SWB both___?
directly (trait–> SWB)
indirectly (trait–> HIB–> SWB)
Warner and Vroman (2011) found that ____ contributes directly to SWB, ____ &______ both directly and instrumentally and _____ & _______ only instrumentally
Agreeableness & Extroversion
Conscientiousness and openness
top-down refers to both….
model design and directional effects in explanatory modeling
who is Ed whitlock
set a marathon record for being the first to run a marathon in under three hours at the age of 69
who is Clarence Brazier
Literacy award winner for 2006
learned to read at age 93
Over 80 years ago Hill (1925) suggested what is a good measure for human muscle restraint? (2)
- athletic records, due to the controlled environment
2. very large sample size
what is a common problem is cross-section studies?
selection bias
what are the two types of experts?
- experts who are normative exclusive lie at the upper extreme of normal distribution for everyday skills
- experts have exclusive skills not possessed by the majority of the population
what type of expert is a professional runner?
type 1. normative exclusion
a comparison in age difference in performance by elite athletes can clarify…
the limits to which life-span developmental processes impact on physical performance
what are the componets of motor expertise (4)
- knowledge
2, skill - experience
- motivation
what are the two ways accumulated experience contributes to performance?
- athletes become more adept in the use of strategy
2. experience helps athletes to choose among different modes of compensation if performance falls below expectations
what are the two components motivation can be broken down into?
intrinsic and extrinsic
what is intrinsic motivation?
include desires to achieve, retain competence and remain healthy
what is extrinsic motivation?
include praise and payment
what are the three categorized dimensions for sports
- closed and open skills
- power and endurance
- high strategy vs low strategy
what is an open skill
sports performance in variable environments
what is a closed skill
performance down in a non varying environment
what does power refer to?
what is endurance referred to as?
examples of high stragtegy sport?
tennis, boxing
example of low strategy sport?
darts, swimming
what are the four main categories of sports?
1, closed sport
- open- effort rather than strategy
- open- strategy rather than effort
- open- both strategy and effort
aging has a larger impact on strategy sport or effort?
effort, old people cant keep up.
the most encompassing formulation of a top-down model probably derives from …
life history theory
the life history theory suggests?
genetically related traits in humans are shaped by natural section to ensure high parental investment needed for the survival of slowly maturing offspring
what are the big 5 personality traits?
- emotional stability
- extroversion
- openness to experience
- agreeableness
- conscientiousness
what was Weiss, bates and luciano (2008) conclusion regarding SWB and personality traits
SWB was genetically indistinct from personality traits
Rushton and Irwings (2011) shared ___% of variance with positive and negative affect and life satisfaction and related to (6)
- self control
- sociability
- pro social behavior
- self-esteem
- affiliative
- self-enhancing humor
Steel, schmidt and schult 2008 found what doing a meta-analysis on personality
correlation between positive affect and extroversion
correlation between negative affect and neuroticism
the circumplex model of affect looked like what?
the bipolar axes terms valence(pleasure-displeasure) and arousal (activity-inactivity)
what does the circumplex model explain?
relationship in responses to wellbeing scales
what is ABS
affect balance scale
in respect to housing top-down model suggests? and bottom up suggests?
top-down: propensity explains the evaluative variance in housing satisfaction
Bottom-up: determination explains variance associated housing conditions
domain satisfaction share varaince with what valance axis?