psyc 317 ch 10 Flashcards
ambiguous sentence
A sentence that has more than one meaning
Brocas aphasia
A language disorder attributed to damage in the frontal lobe of the brain
deep structure
The underlying meaning of a sentence
error recovery heuristic
A strategy for correcting comprehension errors event related potential
exchange error
An error in which two linguistic units are substituted for each other during sentence production
The capability to produce many different messages by combining symbols in different ways
A set of rules for producing correct sentences in a language
high constraint sentence
A sentence that produces a high expectation for a particular word
A collection of symbols and rules for combining symbols which can express an infinite variety of messages
lexical decision task
A task that requires people to decide whether a string of letters is a word
low constraint sentence
A sentence that produces an expectation for a broader range of words
The smallest unit of meaning in a language
morpheme exchange
An error in which two morphemes are substituted for each other during sentence production
phoneme exchange
An error in which two phonemes are substituted for each other during sentence production
phrase structure grammar
A set of rules for partitioning a sentence into its grammatical units
slip of the tongue
A speech error
The organization imposed on a language by its grammatical rules
Eliminating inappropriate meanings in a sentence
surface structure
The structure of a spoken sentence
The use of symbols such as spoken or written words to represent ideas
transformational grammar
A set of rules for transforming a sentence into a closely related sentence
Wernickes aphasia
A language disorder attributed to damage in the temporal lobe of the brain
word exchange
An error in which two words are substituted for each other during sentence production
working memory capacity
The amount of information that can be kept active in working memory