How much more dietary protein do individuals engaged in regular exercise training require compared to sedentary individuals?
Individuals engaged in regular exercise training require more dietary protein than sedentary individuals.
Are protein intakes of 1.4-2.0g/kg/day safe for physically active individuals?
Yes, protein intakes of 1.4-2.0g/kg/day for physically active individuals are not only safe but may also improve the training adaptations to exercise training.
Can physically active individuals meet their daily protein requirements through diet alone?
While it is possible to meet daily protein requirements through a varied regular diet, supplemental protein in various forms is a practical way of ensuring adequate and quality protein intake for athletes.
When is protein intake most beneficial after exercise?
Protein intake immediately post-exercise is likely most beneficial to supply amino acids when the system is ‘most ready.’
Which type of protein stimulates muscle protein synthesis (MPS) to a greater extent?
Whey protein stimulates MPS to a greater extent than casein (solid milk based) or soy protein (plant based), with leucine playing a key role in stimulation.
What is considered the best protein source for building muscle?
Whey/milk proteins are preferred due to their higher leucine content, but vegetable protein sources can also be effective if consumed in sufficient quantities to meet the leucine threshold.
Why is appropriately timed protein intake crucial for exercise training programs?
Appropriately timed protein intake is essential for proper recovery, immune function, and the growth and maintenance of lean body mass.
Does protein supplementation beyond a total daily intake of about 1.6g/kg/day during resistance exercise training (RET) provide additional benefits?
No, protein supplementation beyond a total daily protein intake of about 1.6g/kg/day during RET provided no further benefit on gains in muscle mass or strength.
What role do specific amino acid supplements, such as BCAAs, play in exercise performance and recovery?
Under certain circumstances, specific amino acid supplements such as BCAAs may improve exercise performance and recovery from exercise.
What effect do amino acids (AAs) have on muscle protein synthesis (MPS) post-resistance exercise?
Resistance exercise induces a sustained increase in MPS for up to 48h, with a greater increase if AAs are also consumed due to their additive effect.
How does the type of protein consumed impact muscle building after resistance exercise?
The type and quality of protein can affect amino acid bioavailability following protein supplementation, but the superiority of one protein type over another in terms of optimizing recovery and training adaptations is yet to be convincingly demonstrated.
Can plant proteins effectively support muscle building?
Yes, plant proteins can support muscle building, but more of it may be needed to reach the leucine threshold (~3g leucine) compared to animal-based proteins.