Principle Foramina of the Skull Flashcards
What are all the Principle Foramina of the Facial bones?
InfraOrbital Foreman, Mandibular Foreman, Mental Foreman, Olfactory Foreman.
What are the Principal Foramina of the Cranial bones?
Carotid, Hypoglossal Canal, Jugular, Lacerum , Magnum , Mastoid, ovale, Rotundum, Stylomastoid, SupraOrbital.
What is the Foreman that is Inferior to the Maxilla?
InfraOrbital Foreman
What is the Foreman located on the Medial surface of the Ramus?
Mandibular Foreman
What is the Foreman located Inferior to the Second premolar tooth in the Mandible?
Mental Foreman
What is the Foreman located in the Cribriform Plate of the Ethmoid bone?
Olfactory Foreman
What is the Foreman located in the petrous portion of the Temporal Bone?
Carotid Foreman
What is the Foreman located Superior to the base of the Occipital Condyles?
Hyoglossal Foreman
What is the Foreman located Posterior to the Carotid canal between the Petrous portion of the Temporal bone and Medial to the Sphenoid bone and Occipital bones.?
Lacerum Foreman
What is the largest foreman located in the Occipital bone?
Foreman Magnum
What is the Foreman located on the Posterior border of the Mastoid Process?
Mastoid Foreman
What is the foreman located in the Greater wing of the Sphenoid bone?
Ovale Foreman
What is the Foreman located in the Junction of the Anterior and Medial parts of the Sphenoid bone?
Rotundum Foreman
What is the Foreman located between the Styloid and Mastoid Process?
Stylomastoid Foreman
What is the Foreman located in the SupraOrbital Margin of the Frontal bone?
SupraOrbital Foreman