Practical Activities Flashcards
What is the experiments practical activity?
Ball in the bucket experiment
Pen in lips or pen in teeth experiment
Harry Potter
What was the aim in the Ball in the bucket experiment?
Aim- to investigate if if background noise affects sporting performance
What was the design in the Ball in the bucket experiment?
Design- repeated measures as the same people through the ball in each condition
What is the IV and the DV in the Ball in the bucket experiment?
IV- whether the classroom was silent or if cheering sound effects were playing
DV- how many balls out of five they managed to throw in the bucket
What is the sampling technique in the Ball in the bucket experiment?
Sampling technique- opportunity as the sample was people who happened to be in the classroom that day
What was the aim in the pen in lips and pen in teeth experiment?
To see if facial expression has an effect on how funny people find a clip on a rating scale out of 10 with 1 being not very funny and 10 being very funny
What is the design in the pen in lips and pen in teeth experiment?
independent measures as half the class had their pen between their lips (not smiling) and half had their pen between their teeth (smiling)
What is the IV and DV in the pen in lips and pen in teeth experiment?
IV- whether people had their pen between their lips (not smiling) or their pen between their teeth (smiling)
DV- how funny they rated a comedy clip out of 10 with 1 being not funny at all and 10 being very funny
What is the sampling technique in the pen in lips and pen in teeth?
opportunity sample as it was just people who were present in the classroom that day
What is the aim of the Harry Potter experiment?
does being a Harry Potter fan affect how well you score on a Harry Potter-themed word search?
What is the design in the Harry Potter experiment?
independent measures, as roughly half the class was classified as being a fan and the other half wasn’t, but they all completed the same wordsearch
What is the IV and DV in the Harry Potter experiment?
IV: whether the participant was a Harry Potter fan or not
DV: the number of words recalled in the word search
What is the sampling technique in the Harry Potter experiment?
opportunity sampling as it included whoever was available in the class at the time
What is the aim of the Boogle experiment?
will being a first born in a family have a long-term effect on how good a person is with words?
What is the design in the Boogle experiment?
independent measures, as all participants did the same test but the sample was divided between ‘first child’ (or only child) and ‘not a first child’
What is the IV and DV in the Boogle experiment?
IV: whether the participant is a ‘first child’ or not a first child
DV: the number of words unscrambled and formed
What is the sampling technique in the Boogle experiment?
opportunity sampling, as it included those who were present in the classroom on that day
What are the self report practical activities?
-Shopping habits questionnaire
-Gender and opinion on sports questionnaire
What is the procedure of Shopping habits questionnaire?
-Created a list of at least 6 questions about shopping habits which included a likert scale, open question, closed question and a semantic differential
-Asked people around the college to do the questionnaire
What is the sampling technique of Shopping habits questionnaire?
Opportunity sample as it was just people who were in college at the time that would have been included
What is the procedure of Gender and opinions on sport questionnaire?
-Created a questionnaire with at least 5 questions
-One of these had to be a closed question about gender
-The others were about sporting behaviour e.g how frequently do you do a sport each week? on a rating scale and I like to watch sports as a likert scale
What is the sampling technique of Gender and opinions on sport questionnaire?
Opportunity sample as it was just people who were present in college at the time that were included in the sample
What are the observation practical activities?
-College hallway observation
-Social area behaviour observation in College
-Observation on Abbey Road
What is the College hallway observation and what type of observations was it?
Structured observation as there were specific behaviours we were noting down, females texting, females calling someone, males texting and males calling someone
Observed CCTV footage of the Bagnall corridor between 8:45-9:05 AM for 15 minutes and 40 seconds
Used event sampling as we just recorded when we saw a specific behaviour
-Non-participant observations as we were observing footage
-Naturalistic observation as participants were in their natural environment of students in college
-Overt as there were posters up telling students that they were going to be observed between these times however students may not have seen these
What is the procedure of Social area behaviour observation in College?
Observed behaviour in Shades, Cafe Direct, Timeout, Greenhouse, Courtyard, the library and the Quad for 2 minutes each
What is the kind of observations were the Social area behaviour observation in College?
Structured observation as we were recording specific behaviours only-two people talking to each other, persona lone listening to music, people alone reading, group of people talking, group of people doing homework
Non-participant as we stood in the room and observed instead of pretending to sit down
Naturalistic as the observation was done in social areas around college instead of in a controlled environment
Overt as although participants weren’t told they were part of a study they could’ve guessed by seeing the people observing them
What is the aim and method and sampling technique of observation into behaviour of the public on Abbey Road?
Research aim - to investigate the behaviour of the public on Abbey Road
Method - observe public for 3 minutes recording behaviour on the coding frame
Sampling technique - opportunity sampling as public was readily available
What kind of observations is the observation of observation into Behaviour of the Public on Abbey Road?
Non-Participant, Covert, Naturalistic, Structured Observation
What are the correlation practical activities?
-Relationship between reaction time and sleepiness
-Relationship between how much someone likes the king and how likely they are to watch the coronation
What were the variables of the relationship between reaction time and sleepiness?
Sleepiness was rated on the stanford sleepiness scale from 1-7 with 1 being very awake and 7 being very tired. Results were then told in secret and assigned to a number to maintain confidentiality and protection from harm
Reaction time was measured on the JustPark reaction time test, which gives you an age in years. This was repeated twice and the best (youngest age) was used. This was matched to the sleepiness rating.
What is the sampling technique of the relationship between reaction time and sleepiness?
Opportunity sample as it was just people who were present in the class that day
What is the results of relationship between how much someone likes the king and how likely they are to watch the coronation?
Found that there was no correlation between opinions on the king and how likely they were to watch the coronation
What is the variables of relationship between how much someone likes the king and how likely they are to watch the coronation?
How much someone likes the king was rated on a rating scale with 1 being don’t like at all and 10 being like a lot
Likelihood of watching the coronation was also rated on a rating scale with 1 being not likely at all and 10 being very likely
What is the sampling technique of relationship between how much someone likes the king and how likely they are to watch the coronation?
Opportunity sample as it was just made of students who were present at the college at the time