Practical 4(Reflexes and Senses) Flashcards
rapid, predictable, involuntary motor responses to stimuli
visceral reflexes
autonomic reflexes
Usually not aware of these reflexes
They activate smooth muscles, cardiac muscles, and glands of the body and they regulate body functions(ie/digestion, elimination blood pressure, salivation and sweating)
autonomic reflexes
reflexes that involve stimulation of skeletal muscles (ie/ withdrawl of a hand from a hot object)
somatic reflexes
site of stimulus action
transmits afferent impulses to the CNS
sensory neuron
consists of one or more neurons in the CNS
integration center
conducts efferent impulses from the integration center to an effector organ
motor neuron
an example of this reflex arc is the simple knee jerk reflex
most reflexes, more complex and involve the participation of one or more interneurons in the reflex arc pathway
types of somatic reflexes
patellar reflex, crossed-extensor reflex, superficial cord reflex, plantar reflex, corneal reflex, and gag reflex
these are important postural reflexes, normally acting to maintain posture, balance, and locomotion
stretch reflexes
what should occur during the calcaneal tendon reflex?
this is more complex than the stretch reflex and consists of a withdrawal followed by extension
crossed extensor reflex
these result from pain and temperature changes; they are initiated by stimulation of receptors in the skin and mucus
superficial cord reflexes
important neurological test
plantar reflex
what should happen during the plantar reflex?
toes curling
absence of this reflex indicates damage to the brain stem
corneal reflex
this tests the somatic motor responses of cranial nerves IX and X
gag reflex
any reflex observed on one side of the body when the other side has been stimulated
contralateral response
any reflex occurring on the same side stimulated
ipsilateral response
what should happen during the ciliospinal reflex?
pupil dialation
what are the effectors of the salivary reflex
7 reflexes classified as somatic reflexes
abdominal reflex, calcaneal tendon reflex, corneal reflex, crossed extensor reflex, gag reflex, plantar reflex, and patellar reflex
the two stretch reflexes
calcaneal tendon reflex and patellar reflex
the two superficial cord reflexes
plantar reflex and abdominal reflex
two spinal cord mediated reflexes
patellar and cross extensor
react to stimuli
sensory receptors
react to touch, pressure, pain heat, cold, stretch, vibration etc
general sensory receptors
vision, hearing, equilibrium, smell, taste
special senses
how are sensory receptors classified
type of stimulus, structure, body location
react to stimuli in the external environment
respond to stimuli arising within the body
respond to internal stimuli but are restricted to skeletal muscles, tendons, joints, ligaments, and connective tissue; they provide info about body movements and position by monitoring the degree of stretch
cutaneous receptors and proprioceptors
general sensory receptors
Least specialized of the cutaneous receptors that respond to pain and temperature
nonencapsulated nerve endings(free)
free nerve endings that associate with specific epidermal cells form _________ ______
tactile(Merkel) discs
free nerve endings that entwine in hair follicles form _____ _______
hair follicle receptors
consists of the lacrimal gland, lacrimal canaliculi, lacrimal sac, and nasolacrimal duct
lacrimal apparatus
situated superior to the lateral aspect of each eye
lacrimal glands
tears flush across eyeball through this
lacrimal puncta
this empties into the nasal cavity
nasolacrimal duct
antibacterial enzyme