Ch 6 Bones And Skeletal Tissue Flashcards
Water tends resilience
No blood vessels or nerves
Surrounded by perichondrium
3 types: hyaline, elastic, fibrocartilage
Skeletal cartilage
What are the types of skeletal cartilage
Hyaline, fibrocartilage, elastic
Acts like a girdle to resist outward expansion when the cartilage is compressed
Contains blood vessels from which nutrients diffuse through matrix
Most abundant skeletal cartilage
Chindrocytes are spherical
Only fiver is fine collagen fibers
Provide support with flexibility and resilience
Includes: articulate, costal, respiratory, nasal
Hyaline cartilage
Resembles hyaline
More stretchy fibers and are better able to stand up to repeated bending
Found in external ear and epiglottis
Elastic cartilage
Most compressible cartilage
Resistant to stretch and pressure
Forms vertebral discs and knee joint cartilages
Roughly parallel rows of chondrocytes with thick collagen fibers
Growth accomplished by the addition of new layers onto those previously formed
Growth from outside ring
Apposition also growth
Two ways that cartilage grows
Appositional and interstitial
Growth from inside
Chondrocytes divide and secrete new matrix which expands cartilage from within
Interstitial growth
Seven functions of bone?
Support, protection, anchorage, mineral and growth factor storage, blood cell formation, fat storage, hormone production
What is bone
Includes the bones of skull, vertebral column, and rib cage
Protect, support, or carry other body parts
Axial skeleton
Upper and lower limbs and shoulder bones and hip bones
Locomotion and manipulation
Appendicular skeleton
These bones are longer than they are wide
Shaft plus two ends which are often expanded
Long bones
Roughly cube shaped bones
Examples are wrist and ankle
Special type of this is sesamoid
Short bone
Special type of short bone that form in a tendon
Example patella
Sesamoid bone
Thin, flattened and usually abbot curves bones
Example sternum and scapulae and skull bones
Flat bones
Complicated shapes that fit no other bone classes
Example vertebrae and hip bones
Irregular bones
Dense outer layer of every bone
Looks smooth and solid to the naked eye
Compact bone
Internal to compact bone
Also called cancellous bone
Made up of trabecula
Spongy bone
Fibrous bands extending from the capsule into the interior organ
Strut of thin plate of bone in spongy bone
Honeycomb of needle/flat pieces
What is the structure of short, irregular, and flat bones
Thin plates of spongy bone covered by compact bone
Plates between periosteum and endosteum
No shaft or epiphyses
Bone marrow throughout, NO MARROW CAVITY
hyaline cartilage covers articulate surfaces
What is the structure of long bone
Diaphysis: tubular shaft: compact bone, medullary cavity, yellow marrow cavity
Epiphyses: end of bone: external is compact, internal is spongy, epiphyseal line or plate
Glistening, white double layered membrane
Covers external surface of entire bone except the joint surfaces
Outer fibrous layer
Inner osteogenic cells
Many nerve fibers and blood fibers through the nutrient foramen
Periosteum membrane
Delicate connective tissue membrane
Covers trabeculae spongy bone and canals that pass through compact bone
Membrane endosteum
Red marrow
Hematopoietic tissue
Typically found within the trabecular cavities of spongy bone of long bone and in flat bone
Red marrow
Trabecular cavities of spongy bone and dipole of flat bone
Red marrow cavities
What are the cells of bone tissue
Osteogenic cells, osteoblasts, osteocytes, osteoclasts
Mitotically active stem cells in periosteum and endosteum
Become osteoblasts or bone lining cells
In growing bones they are flattened or squamous cells
Osteogenic cells(osteoprigenitor)
Bone forming cells
Secrete unmineralized bone matrix(osteoid)
Actively mitotic
Shaped like a spider
Mature in lacunae
Monitor and maintain bone matrix
When they die the surrounding matrix is re absorbed
Come from hematopoietic stem cells
Resorption bay
Bone breakers in matrix
Flat cells found on bone surfaces where bone remodeling is not going on
Bone lining cells
Structural unit is osteon or Haversian system
Canals are canaliculi
Lacunae-have osteocytes
Compact bone
AKA lamellar bone