Pozzulo-the Psycholgy Being Investigated/backround Flashcards
Eye witness testimony
Evidence submitted by an individual who has witnessed a crime.
Eye witness testimony -children
Sometimes children are the only viable witnesses thus it must be ensured that their testimonies are reliable.
False memories
A stored piece of info an individual assumes to be an accurate memory but is changed, influenced by later, additional and untrue info.
False memories-cognitive psychologists
Cognitive psychologists have demonstrated memory can be distorted by info we are exposed to before or during encoding.
What did previous research by Pozzulo reveal?
Pozzulo studied child witnesses and recognised that cognitive effects and social effects can cause errors in a child’s decision making.
what cognitive effects can be responsible for errors in a child’s decision making process?
Cognitive effects include memory distortion due to post-event info, the way questions are posed and the level of cognitive demand.
what social effects can be responsible for errors in a child’s decision making process?
The child may assume they must make a choice. The child is likely to view the person issuing questions as authority figures and thus will comply more. The child may feel pressured to make a choice to avoid getting in trouble. When faced with cognitively difficult tasks the child is more likely to rely on social factors to inform decisions.