Baron-Cohen (psyh/backround/overview) Flashcards
What psychology was being investigated?
The underdevelopment of the Theory of The Mind in people with ASD.
Theory of the mind
The cognitive ability that enables people to realise that others have differing feelings, knowledge and beliefs which is often linked to one’s empathetic abilities and the 1st stage of the theory of the mind. Baron-Cohen suggested that autistics have an underdeveloped theory of the mind which led to limited social sensitivity and cognition.
Explain the background of the study
Reading the Mind in the Eyes test = RME
Baron-Cohen developed a test called the RME to assess whether autistic adults had problems employing the TOM. Ppts were shown photos of eyes and asked to identify the emotions shown from 2 options. They compared a group with autism to a group without. BC assumed the test would require individuals to employ the TOM as they needed to empathise with the person in the picture to work out their emotional state. Results showed ppts with autism identified fewer emotions that non autistic group. The study had many practical issues.
Explain the background of the study- part 2
BC revised the REM test to address some of its limitations and the results suggested that this test was better at detecting differences in social sensitivity.
Background of the study- what were the problems with the REM (1997)?
- Forced choice with only 2 binary options responses
- Small number of examples led to many in the autistic group to score 24/25 causing a ceiling effect.
- The 25 eyes set illustrated many basic emotions which were easily recognisable.
- The emotions in some of the photos could be solved by checking the direction which a person was gazing.
- Imbalance of male and female faces
- Lack of understanding of the words use d in the test (can lead to invalid results)
Background of the study- how was the problems in the REM resolved?
- The number of option choices were increased to 4 and were not opposites.
- 36 sets of eyes were used in the final analysis
- Only eyes expressing complex emotions were used
- Equal number of male and female faces
- Ppts were given a glossary
What was the aim of the study?
To test whether autistic adults would be impaired on the revised version of the RET task. To see whether there was an association between performed on the RRET and measures of autistic traits. And to see whether there were sex difference in non autistic adults on the RRET.
What research method and design did the study use? (Simple)
Lab experiment
Quasi experiment
Data collection: Self report via RET and the AQ
The iv is naturally occurring.
Whether ppts had autism or not.
Ppts where assigned to a condition based on a given characteristic.
Lab experiment
Artificial environment ppts were not used to in terms of behaviour preformed.
Data collection method
Self report via RRET and AQ
IQ was also assessed with WAIS-R
Name the 5 hypothesis of the study.
- Autistic ppts will score sig lower scores on the RET than the control groups.
- Autistic ppts will score sig higher on the AQ measure than control groups
- Non-autistic females will score higher on the RET than males
- Non autistic males will score higher in the AQ measure than females
- Scores on the AQ and the RET would be negatively correlated.
What was the IV?
The type of ppts in each condition
1 experimental groups
3 control groups
What was the DV?
2 key measure
Score in the RET
IQ score
Describe the sample. Group 1.
15 autistic adult males
Mean IQ score of 115
Mean age of 29.7
Volunteer sample (self selected through an add in ASM and support groups)
Describe the sample. Group 2.
Adult comparison group
122 non autistic m/f
Mean age of 46.5
Opportunity sample (selected from adult education classes in Exeter and public library users in Cambridge)
Describe the sample. Group 3.
Student comparison group
103 Non autistic students
Selected from Cambridge Uni
Describe the sample. Group 4
Matched group
14 IQ matched ppts with autistic group
Mean age of 28 years
Randomly selected from population
Procedure summarised briefly
Developing the revised eyes test
Implementing the tests
Developing the revised eyes test
- The target, foil words for each sets of eyes were developed/piloted on 8 judges. At least 5 judges had to agree on the target words and no more than 2 could select any foil words. If this did not happen,the target words or foil would be re piloted until the criteria was met.
- In pilot tests, group 2 and 3 achieved 100% on judging gender
- The control groups were tested with 40 photos but 4 were eliminated, resulting in 36 items. When results were being calculated only data for the 36 eye sets were taken.
Procedure- implementing the eyes test
1) Each test was individually administered in a quiet room at either Cambridge or Exeter. No time limit.
2) Each ppts was given a practice test and then presented with 36 eyes sets and 4 possible target words.
3) they read the glossary of terms and could ask questions if needed.
4) Group 1 completed the gender recognition task as a control task
5) group 1/3/4 completed the AQ test and were told to return this by post.
Name 4 controls used
1) The test was completed in a quiet room in Exeter to control for distraction.
2) The use of control groups allowed researcher to determine the variable of autism was causing different outcomes on the test. The matched group also increased validity as it controlled for IQ.
3) The test was pretested on 8 judges. 4) The use of standardised procedure, as the same test was used, ppts were all shown 36 images of the eye stimulus.