Pozzulo (conclusions/results) Flashcards
Quantitative results for the target present line ups?
Children had 23% correct identification for human faces.
Children had 99% correct identification for cartoon faces.
Adults had 66% correct identification for human faces.
Adults had 95% correct identification for cartoon faces.
Quantitative results for the target absent line ups.
Children had 45% correct rejection for human faces.
Children had 74% correct rejection for cartoon faces.
Adults had 70% correct rejection for human faces.
Adults had 94% correct rejection for cartoon faces.
Results according to each researcher questions
Children were more accurate in identifying cartoon faces (99%) than human faces (23%)
Adults were better at identifying human faces significantly (66%) than children (23%)
Adults were better at correctly rejecting (66%) target absent for human faces than children (45%)
Adults were better at correctly rejecting target absent for cartoon faces (94%) that than children
Qualitative results
None- expect results from recall questions/ probing questions
- Errors in childrens decision making is due to social rather than cognitive factors.
- They could easily find correct cartoon faces in target present line ups (excellent memory)
- but felt an expectation to make a selection when target was absent leading to a false positive result.
- Both cognitive and social factors will affect (to an extent) identification/ rejection rates.
- Overall, Social factors play a larger part in decision making in target absent line ups for kids.
Target present line ups- adults
Adults had 66% correct identification for human faces.
Adults had 95% correct identification for cartoon faces.
Target present line ups- children
Children had 23% correct identification for human faces.
Children had 99% correct identification for cartoon faces.
Target absent line ups- adults
Adults had 70% correct rejection for human faces.
Adults had 94% correct rejection for cartoon faces.
Target absent line ups- children
Children had 45% correct rejection for human faces.
Children had 74% correct rejection for cartoon faces.