Pozzulo- Psych, Method, Sample Flashcards
What are false memories?
A stored peice of info a person assumes to be accurate. BUT is later changed and influenced by later additional, untrue info.
The initial reception of information
Maintaining info over time
Accessing info when we need it
Eye witness testimony
Evidence submitted by an individual who has witnessed a crime
Target present
The culprit is in the lineup
Target absent
The culprit is not in the line up
Photos of other people who aren’t the target
A witness is shown a line of people or photo arrays and is asked to identify the culprit
False positive response
Giving a positive but incorrect answer to a question
Social and cognitive factors
The study investigated the effect of a number of social factors on decision making when the level of cognitive demand was varied.
Simultaneous array
Array of photographs of people comprised of suspects and fillers.
Empty box that symbolised (target absent)
Photos of other people who weren’t the target
Photo arrays
Legal procedure used to discover or confirm the identity of a suspect by presenting photographs to an eye witness
Background of the study
There are cognitive factors that can lead to errors in decision making in children.
1. Earlier research showed children are less likely than adults to say “idk” in response to a question. Even if they know this response is allowed.
2. Children are more likely that adults to identify an innocent person in a line up (false positive response)
Background of the study (Social effects)
The study focuses on a number of social factors that can affect a child’s decision making especially when the level of cognitive demand was varied. Children are more likely to make incorrect decisions based on:
1. They think they must make a selection/choice
2. Children are likely to view adults as authority figures and are more likely to comply
3. Children feel more pressured to give a response to avoid getting in trouble
What would be a cognitively easy task?
Making a selection when the culprit is familiar to the child (like a carton character)
What would be a cognitively difficult task?
Making a selection when the culprit is not in the line up/ unfamiliar
Background- social and cognitive factors
There are cognitive and social factors that can lead to errors in decision making in children. This effect is compounded when the children are
faced with a cognitively difficult tasks, as children rely more on certain social factors (than adults) and are more prone to mistakes.
What is the overall aim of the study?
Faced with a cognitively difficult task
(where the target is absent from the line up) children may rely more heavily on social factors and will make more mistakes than adults. Their aim was to test 4 predictions.
Name the 4 aims of the study
- Children will be as good as adults at identifying cartoon faces in target present line ups
- Children will be worse than adults at recognising human faces in target present line ups
- Children will be worse than adults at rejecting cartoon faces in target absent line ups
- Children will be worse than adults at rejecting human faces in target absent line ups
Research method
Lab experiment
2 experimental designs
IV 1: Children vs adults IMD
IV 2: Line up type/ varied level of cognitive demand RMD
How was data collected?
The children’s response: Given by pointing (recorded by experimenter)
The adults response: Recorded their responses on a sheet
Sample (children)
21F/ 38 M
4-7 y/o (4.98)
Opportunity sample: Recruited from the kindergarten/ pre-kindergarten classes in Canada (private school)
Adults (sample)
36F/ 17M
17-30 (mean- 20.54)
Opportunity sample: recruited from the IPPP (intro psychology ppt pool) at a university .
Name the materials used? Generally
Describe the video/ photo arrays used in the human face target condition.
Two 6 seconds clips.
2-3 seconds of the targets face
Filmed of routine tasks (brushing hair/putting in coat)
No colour, no sound
Photo arrays
2 human targets
Wearing different clothes
4 foils (to): 1 target
Chosen by 3 raters to look similar in appearance.
Cropped form shoulders up
Describe the human face targets
2 white students
Describe the video/ photo arrays used in the cartoon face target condition.
Two 6 seconds clips.
2-3 seconds showing targets face
DORA talking to audiences
Go Diego Go putting on gloves
No sound, with colour
Photo arrays
Psychologically being investigated
- False memories
- The social and cognitive factors that can affect a child’s decision making process
- Eye witness identification
Psychology being investigated- eyewitness identification
Critical area in the legal procedures regarding their reliability and accuracy. The process of identifying a suspect form a line up can be complex and depends on memory, perception and stress.
Psychology being investigated- social vs cognitive factors
Cognitive factors- include a persons ability to accurately recall and recognise faces/details from a memory.
Social factors- influences of socially context and pressure on decision making
Metal processes involved in language, perception, and memory.