Perfusion Flashcards
Resistance to left ventricular ejection; the work the heart must overcome to fully eject blood from the left ventricle
Slower than normal heart rate; heart contracts fewer than 60 beats/min
Volume of blood expelled by the ventricles of the heart, equal to the amount of blood ejected at each beat multiplied by the number of beats in the period of time used for computation (usually 1 minute)
Cardiac Output
Blood pressure at the instant of maximum cardiac relaxation; the pressure of the blood in the arteries when the heart is filling
Pertaining to diastole of blood pressure
Diastolic blood pressure
Deviation from the normal pattern of the heartbeat
Disorder characterized by an elevated blood pressure persistently exceeding 120/80 mmHg
Abnormal lowering of blood pressure that is inadequate for normal perfusion and oxygenation of tissues
Arterial blood oxygen level less than 60 mmHg; low oxygen level in the blood
Necrosis of a portion of muscle caused by an obstruction
Decreased blood supply to a body part such as skin tissue or to an organ such as the heart
Abnormally low blood pressure occurring when a person stands
Orthostatic Hypotension
Amount of hemoglobin fully saturated with oxygen, given as a percent value
Oxygen Saturation
Abnormally low blood pressure occurring when an individual assumes the same standing posture; also called orthostatic hypotension
Postural Hypotension
Volume of blood in the ventricles at the end of diastole, immediately before ventricular contraction
Amount of blood ejected by the ventricles with each contraction. It can be affected by the amount of blood in the left ventricle at the end of diastole (preload), the resistance to the left ventricular ejection (afterload) and myocardial contractility
Stroke Volume
Pertaining to or resulting from ventricular contraction
Pertaining to systole in blood pressure
Systolic Pressure
Rapid regular heart rate ranging between 100 and 150 beats/min
Chest pain caused by reduced blood flow to the heart
Force exerted on the walls of an artery by the pulsing blood under pressure from the heart
Blood Pressure
Generated by cardiac output, the amount of blood pumped by the heart each minute; Propels blood to all organs and tissues from patent arteries through capillaries and returns the blood to the heart through patent veins
Central Perfusion
Blood that flows through arteries and capillaries to target tissues
Tissue Perfusion
The strength of myocardial contraction; The greater the preload, the greater the stretch of the myocardium, and the stronger the myocardial contraction
Percentage of red blood cells in the blood; Determines blood viscosity