Legal&Ethical Key Terms NUR3 Flashcards
also know as regulatory law, more
clearly defines expectations of civil and criminal laws.
Regulatory law also describes the process to report unethical
or incompetent conduct to the State BON
Administrative law
any intentional offensive touching without
consent or lawful justification. The contact can be harmful to
the patient & cause an injury or it merely can be offensive to
the patient’s personal dignity.
describes decisions made in legal cases that
were resolved in courts. After a case is presented to a judge
or jury, there is a report of the issue, facts, findings, &
subsequent decision that was made to resolve the issue.
Case Law
originates from decisions that were made
in absence of law; is a body of unwritten laws
based on legal precedents established by the courts.
Common laws sometimes prove the inspiration for new
legislation to be enacted.
Common Law
is derived from federal & state constitutions
Constitutional Law
the publication of false statements that result in damage to a person’s reputation
Defamation of Character
designated person to make decisions when the client
becomes incapacitated
Durable Power of Attorney for Healthcare
deliberate acts against a person or
property that may result in both civil & criminal actions
Intentional Tort
written defamation of character
injurious or unprofessional actions that
harm another. Is a type of negligence.
a pattern of conduct by a person with a duty of care
to provide services that maintain the physical &/or mental
health of a child or vulnerable adult
conduct that falls below the generally
accepted standard of care of a reasonably prudent person
state laws intended to protect
citizens, make RNs accountable, & ensure that care is
consistent with best practices within the scope & standards
of nursing
Nurse Practice Acts
AKA Incident Report . This provides
a database to determine deviations from standards of care, it
identify corrective measures needed to prevent recurrence, &
to alert risk management to a potential claim.
Occurrence Report
Insurance contract
between a RN and an insurance company to assist the RN
with legal help if the RN is in legal trouble.
Professional Licensure Defense
Function of hospital or health facility
administration that is directed toward identification,
evaluation, & correction of potential risks that could lead to
injury of patients, staff members, or visitors and result in
loss or damage
Risk management
occurs when one speaks falsely about another
is typically what a reasonable prudent
RN would do under similar circumstances in the
geographical area in which the alleged breach occurred
Standard of Proof
reflect the knowledge &
skill ordinarily possessed by and used by RNs to perform
with the scope of practice
Standards of Nursing Care
derived from statutes passed by the US
Congress and state legislatures. These laws are either civil or
Statutory Law
civil wrongful acts or omissions of care made against
a person or property. They are classified as intentional,
quasi-intentional or unintentional
arise when a person is harmed &
the person inflicting the harm knew, or should have known,
that these actions were less than accepted scope and
standard of practice
Unintentional Torts
The action taken by a nurse who goes
outside the organization for the public’s best interest, when
[the organization] is unresponsive to reporting the danger
through the organization’s proper channels.
Mandatory reporting is the law
that requires a nurse to report suspicions of abuse based on
state regulations
Obligation to Report
a patient’s agreement to have a
medical procedure after receiving full disclosure of risks,
benefits, alternatives, & consequences of refusal.
Informed Consent
a civil rights statute that protects the rights of people
with physical or mental disabilities.