Inflammation Key Terms NUR3 Flashcards
The replacement of the normal squamous epithelium with the columnar epithelium, when the healing of the lesion occurs. Occurs in the esophagus due to lesions from acid reflux
Barrett epithelium
The collection of free fluid within the peritoneal cavity caused by increased hydrostatic pressure from portal hypertension.
A complication of cirrhosis caused by excessive ascitic volume and manifested by dyspnea as a result of intraabdominal pressure, which limits thoracic expansion and diaphragmatic excursion
Hepatopulmonary Syndrome
An invasive procedure performed to remove abdominal fluid in patients who have massive ascites.
A major complication of cirrhosis resulting in persistent increase in pressure within the portal vein from 3 mm Hg to at least 10 mm Hg.
Portal Hypertension
Fatty stools
Painful urination
Abnormal enlargement of the kidney caused by a blockage of urine lower in the tract and filling of the kidney with urine.
An upper gastrointestinal disease caused by the backward flow (reflux) of gastrointestinal contents into the esophagus.