Elimination Key Terms NUR3 Flashcards
The discharge of feces from the body
(voiding, urination) is a reflex of autonomic control that triggers contraction of the detrusor muscle (closing the ureter at the UVJ to prevent backflow) at the same time as relaxation of the external sphincter and the muscles of the pelvic floor.
Voluntary urine elimination
The ability to voluntarily control emptying of the bladder or colon.
The involuntary loss of urine or stool.
Inability to completely empty the bladder
Calculi stones in the urinary tract
Kidney stones AKA renal calculi
The presence of protein in the urine.
Urination at night
Pain that radiates into the perineal area, groin, scrotum, or labia
Renal colic (Kidney Stones)
Procedure that uses shock waves to break large kidney stones into smaller fragments that can pass through the urinary tract.
Commonly known as ureteral stones, occurs when solid mineral deposits form in the ureters
Refers to the presence of stones within the kidneys
Condition that occurs when stones exit the renal pelvis and move into the remainder of the urinary collecting system, which includes the ureters, bladder, and urethra
Growth that causes tissue to increase in size by increasing the number of cells; abnormal overgrowth of tissue.
Hyperplasia (BPH)
Abnormal distention of the ureter.
Hydroureter (BPH)
Abnormal enlargement of the kidney caused by a blockage of urine lower in the tract and filling of the kidney with urine.
Blood in the urine
Inflammation and possible infection of the prostate.
Prostatitis (BPH)
The traditional “closed” surgical procedure for removal of the prostate.
Transurethral resection of the prostate {TURP} (BPH)
Abnormal opening (tract) between two organs or structures.
Fistula (Crohn’s Disease)
The inability of essential nutrients to be absorbed through a diseased intestinal wall, causing anemia and malnutrition (most common in Crohn’s disease).
Intestinal malabsorption {malabsorption syndrome}
Fatty stool
An unpleasant and urgent sensation to defecate.
Tenesmus (Ulcerative Colitis)
disease that creates widespread chronic inflammation of the rectum and rectosigmoid colon but can extend to the entire colon when the disease is extensive.
Ulcerative Colitis
Massive dilation of the colon and subsequent colonic ileus can lead to gangrene and peritonitis.
Toxic megacolon (Ulcerative Colitis)
A procedure in which a loop of the ileum is placed through an opening in the abdominal wall (stoma) for drainage of fecal material into a pouching system worn on the abdomen
A person who has an ostomy.
Fluid drainage in an ileostomy bag that has little odor or a sweet odor
A life-threatening, acute inflammation and infection of the visceral/parietal peritoneum and endothelial lining of the abdominal cavity.
Chronic inflammatory disease of the small intestine (most often), the colon, or both.
Chron’s Disease
The glandular units in the prostate undergo nodular tissue hyperplasia (an increase in the number of cells; an abnormal overgrowth of tissue).
Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia