Performance Improvement 3 Flashcards
a specific step taken to fix the underlying cause of a performance problem
a proactive effort on the part of management to change the current state of performance within an organization
deliberate conscious acts that facilitate change in performance.
things you can do to bring about change in an oraganization
another name for a set of solutions, usually a combination of tools and techniques that clearly and directly relate to solving a performance gap or implementing an organizational change
Two types of interventions
Instructional and non-instructional
The process of identifying and recommending the most appropriate activities to successfully resolve a performance improvement problem, opportunity, or challenge.
Intervention selection
classroom training, CAI, distance learning, manuals, mentoring, on-the-job training
Instructional interventions
work place redesign, incentive programs, feedback, motivation, job aids, performance support systems, corporate culture
Non-instructional interventions
Major goal of the intervention selection process
identify and recommend the most appropriate performance improvement intervention(s) to resolve the problem.
training, instructional manuals
Skill and Knowledge interventions
Incentives Interventions
Most recommended way to select performance improvement is through…
the team approach
Getting new equipment
Recognition programs
Practitioners must be able to…
- must know a wide range of possible interventions and where to locate experts or resources for more information.
- Their recommendation must align with the performance analysis
- They must select interventions that are the most feasible and sustainable in a given situation
- They must communicate their intervention in a way that builds on and ensures stakeholder commitment
used when a performance does not currently exist and needs to be started
Interventions for Establishing Performance
used when a performance exists but needs to be made better
Interventions for Improving Performance
used when a performance exists and that performance needs to continue at the current level
Interventions for Maintaining Performance
used when a performance exists and we want to stop the performance
Interventions for Extinguishing Performance
Instruction provided to a group of learners by a human instructor away from the place where work is performed
Classroom instruction
Involves more than one person, Requires active participation Involves interaction of participants Achieves specific, measurable outcomes Is structured
Team activities
is active, serves to solve a relevant problem, and focuses on working as a team.
Action learning
Action Learning Process
- Formation of a group
- Presentation of a problem
- Reframing of the problem with guidance from a facilitator to: a).Determine positive long-term benefits to those impacted by the problem b). Develop and test action strategies. c). Implement action strategies
d) . Apply learning to improve future performance
Identifying a problem Assigning tasks to be completed Gathering data and resources Thinking through the problem Developing a solution to the problem Evaluating the solution Reflection on the process
Action learning
a term that can be used to describe the process of gathering information, transforming it by applying it to the context in which it will be used, and disseminating it as knowledge.
Knowledge management
objective, organized, and can be codified into policies.
Explicit knowledge
subjective, experiential, and hard to formalize
Subjective knowledge
Durning this phase, the practitioner and the stakeholders identify and prioritize potential interventions and then move on to the selection phase
Survey Phase
Selecting the most appropriate interventions to plan the next steps
Selection Phase
The deliberate pairing of two people who have unequal levels of a relevant set of skills and experiences…to transfer knowledge and experience from the person who has more of them to the person who has fewer
integration of multiple information-presentation modalities (text, audi, pictures, graphics, motion video, and animation) through the use of microprocessor-based technologies…and applications that include CD-ROMs,…DVDs, Internet and intranet web pages, on-line discussion groups and knowledge bases, and live collaboration through computer networks
Multimedia or eLearning
Purpose of the preliminary phrase
Focus attention on the performance problems and the causes rather than the symptoms
the planned process of developing task-level expertise by having an experienced employee train a novice employee at or near the actual work setting
OTJ (On the job training)