Perfect and Pluperfect Subjunctive; Indirect Questions; Sequence of Tenses Flashcards
how to form the perfect active subjunctive
perfect stem + eri + personal endings
how to form the pluperfect active subjunctive
3rd pp + sse + personal endings
how to form the perfect passive subjunctive
4th pp + present active subjunctive (sim, sis, etc.)
how to form the pluperfect passive subjunctive
4th pp + imperfect active subjunctive (essem, esses, etc.)
indirect questions english examples
they asked what Gaius was doing
how to form an indirect question in Latin
interrogative question word/ + main verb of speech/thinking/perception + subjunctive verb. V similar to indirect statements except you use the subjunctive not the infinitive
indirect question Latin example 1: Rogant quid Gaius faciat.
They ask what Gaius is doing.
indirect question Latin example 2: Rogant quid Gaius fecerit.
They ask what Gaius did.
Sequence of tenses: main verb is present or future you got to use
either a present or perfect subordinate subjunctive. present = action at same time or after relative to main verb, perfect = action before
Sequence of tense: main verb past tense (imperfect, perfect, pluperfect or future perfect) you go to use
either an imperfect or pluperfect subordinate subjunctive. imperfect = action at same time or after relative to main verb, pluperfect = action before
look at the sequence of tenses examples on pg 248
Do it
honor, honoris
m., honor, esteem; public office (honorable)
ceteri, ceterae, cetera
pl., the remaining, the rest, the other, all the others; (etc. = et cetera)
quantus, quanta, quantum
how large, how great, how much (quantify)
tantus… quantus
just as much (many)… as
ridiculus, ridicula, ridiculum
laughable, ridiculous (ridicule; cf. rideo)
vivus, viva, vivum
alive, living (vivid)
adv., stealthily, secretly
adv., soon
adv., at first, at the beginning
adv., suddenly
adv., whence, from what or which place, from which, from whom
utrum… an
conj., whether… or
bibo, bibere, bibi
to drink (bib)
cognosco, cognoscere, cognovi, cognitum
to become acquainted with, learn, recognize
comprehendo, comprehendere, comprehendi, comprehensum
to grasp, seize, arrest; comprehend, understand (comprehensive)
consumo, consumere, consumpsi, consumptum
to consume, use up (consumer)
dubito, dubitare, dubitavi, dubitatum
to doubt, hesitate (doubtful)
expono, exponere, exposui, expositum
to set forth, explain, expose (exposition)
minuo, minuere, minui, minutum
to lessen, diminish
rogo, rogare, rogavi, rogatum
to ask (interrogate)
civis, civis is an
i-stem noun
Helpful indirect question introduction words: quid
Helpful indirect question introduction words: quis
Helpful indirect question introduction words: ubi
Helpful indirect question introduction words: quando
Helpful indirect question introduction words: cur