Ablative absolute; passive periphrastic; dative of agent + pg 195-196 Wheelock vocab Flashcards
Carthago, Carthaginis
f., Carthage
fabula, fabulae
f., story, tale; play (fable)
imperator, imperatoris
m., general, commander-in-chief, emperor
imperium, imperii
n., power to command, supreme power, authority, command, control (imperial, imperialism)
perfugium, perfugii
n., refuge, shelter
servus, servi
m., slave (serf, servant)
serva, servae
f., slave
solacium, solacii
n., comfort, relief (solace, consolation)
vulnus, vulneris
n., wound (vulnerable)
re- or red-
a prefix meaning again, back (recede, receive)
conj., as, just as, when
adv., afterwards (post)
accipio, accipere, accepi, acceptum
to take, receive, accept (acceptable, acceptance)
excipio, excipere, excepi, exceptum
to take out; take, receive, capture (exception)
recipio, recipere, recepi, receptum
to take back, regain; admit, receive (recipient)
pello, pellere, pepuli, pulsum
to strike, push; drive out, banish (compel, propel)
expello, expellere, expuli, expulsum
to drive out, expel, banish (expulsion)
narro, narrare, narravi, narratum
to tell, report, narrate (narration)
quaero, quaerere, quaesivi, quaesitum
to seek, look for, strive for; ask, inquire, inquire into (inquire)
rideo, ridere, risi, risum
to laugh, laugh at (ridicule)
Ablative absolute: what is required for it
a noun (or pronoun) and a participle in the ablative case; loosely connected to the rest of the sentence
Ablative absolute ex: Roma visa, viri gaudebant
(with) Rome having been seen, the men were rejoicing.
3 main types of relationships between the ablative absolute and the rest of the sentence: temporal, which translates as
3 main types of relationships between the ablative absolute and the rest of the sentence: causal, which translates as
3 main types of relationships between the ablative absolute and the rest of the sentence: concessive, which translates as
There is no present active participle of the verb:
esse (to be)
Since esse (to be) has no present active participle, the verb to be can just be implied. Ex: duce Caesare, milites fugerunt
When Caesar was leader, the soldiers fled. (was is implied)
the future passive participle is also known as the
gerundive + any tense of esse =
passive periphrastic
the passive periphrastic expresses
obligation or necessity
Carthago delenda est.
Carthage must be destroyed.
Is educandus est.
He is to be educated, or He must be educated.
When wanting to express the agent with a passive periphrastic, use the ______ case
hoc mihi faciendum est
This must be done by me or I must do this. mihi is the dative of agent
hoc mihi faciendum erat
This must have been done by me.